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Cainele prietenei mele a murit

6 Day 5,511 ,02:20 在Romania发布 Romania 政治论坛及分析 政治论坛及分析

asa ca am incercat sa o inveselesc oferindu-i unul identic.
Dar din pacate doar a facut-o mai suparata.
Ea a tipat la mine: „Ce ar trebui sa fac cu doi caini morti?”


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Vreau sa-mi fac o prietena dar nu gasesc

32 Day 5,304 ,08:18 在Romania发布 Romania 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

Neata, mi s-a recomandat sa imi caut sufletul pereche aici.

O sa trec direct la subiect: barbat 44 de ani 1.65m 120 kg caut muiere femeie spre imperechere fara rezultat, [url=https://youtu.be/

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Morning, it's sunday

7 Day 5,303 ,03:12 在Romania发布 Romania 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

I Ricky Carter think my time has past I don’t think I will ever have sex with a women ever again and don’t ever think I will ever have a girlfriend ever again. It's been so long since I last had sex I can’t

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1-80 characters max

5 Day 5,184 ,09:15 在Romania发布 Romania 社交娱乐 社交娱乐


Am visat ca am scris un articol in chestia asta numita "joc". Nu am fost sigur dar acum, in urma verificarilor, sunt intr-adevar sigur ca am visat.
Este mai bine asa, ar fi fost o ineptie dusa la extrem.
Am observat ca odata cu trecerea

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We are a gang

0 Day 5,031 ,13:48 在Romania发布 Romania 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

Captain Lee 'Apollo' Adama : [at Baltar's Trial] Did the defendant make mistakes? Sure. He did. Serious mistakes. But did he actually commit any crimes? Did he commit treason? No. I mean, it was an impossible situation. When the Cylons arrived,

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