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Collection of inane rants since V1

The introduction of Pirates

31 Day 1,017 ,03:44 在United Kingdom发布 United Kingdom

Apparently having various models on the front of your article gives you more votes. I like to think that my readers are the more intelligently focused ones, but the odd vote won't hurt.
[img]http://www.footballchatter.com/forum/photopost/[/img] … 更多 »

Erepublik and Real Life Irony

20 Day 1,011 ,10:43 在United Kingdom发布 United Kingdom

“Tibet was secured by USA in the war versus Resistance force of China”
-eRepublik Newsfeed.

It has often been my view, ever since the American invasion of Great Britain all those months back, that eRepublik actively promulgates the … 更多 »

Canada's Invasion - In Video!

36 Day 999 ,01:32 在United Kingdom发布 United Kingdom

Please note that this, probably, isn't historically accurate.

Canada’s invasion during various hacks on Phoenix leadership will be controversial for a while, even after the battles have stopped. Yet it falls to one man to tell the epic … 更多 »

Britannia’s letter to Ireland

56 Day 980 ,06:48 在Ireland发布 Ireland

Northern Ireland has been conquered by the United Kingdom.

Sir_Scott_Williamson: you irish now??
Sir_Humphrey_Appleby: Read the bloody article

As his Britannic Majesty, King Stephen Fry I’s Press Secretary, I am delighted to

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The indecency of Plato's removal and why admins are dragons

33 Day 976 ,06:18 在United Kingdom发布 United Kingdom

”All the gold which is under or upon the earth is not enough to give in exchange for virtue.”

”We received some complains that there is a bug with Gold donations.”

It was announced earlier that Plato had been … 更多 »