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Do your holiday in Real Life more enjoying!

2 Day 5,523 ,00:58 在Serbia发布 Serbia 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

The eRepublik people,

First of all, I want to wish you all a Happy New Year and to achieve everything what the Universe considers that you deserve!

I want to start something new in game (maybe it was done before, but I don't know about it)

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Do your holiday in Real Life more enjoying!

2 Day 5,522 ,23:41 在Cyprus发布 Cyprus 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

The eRepublik people,

First of all, I want to wish you all a Happy New Year and to achieve everything what the Universe considers that you deserve!

I want to start something new in game (maybe it was done before, but I don't know about it)

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Reducere la upgrade-ul terenurilor de antrenament!

8 Day 5,484 ,00:06 在Republic of Moldova发布 Republic of Moldova 新人指导及教育 新人指导及教育

Niculae, visator,

Băieți, e BlackFriday la terenurile de antrenament, băgați un upgrade!
În rest, numai de bine!
PS: Atenție, de BlackFriday e dezlegare la pește!

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Niculai, ai făcut upgrade la terenurile de antrenament?

1 Day 5,370 ,12:42 在Republic of Moldova发布 Republic of Moldova 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

Niculaiiii, mai fă upgrade la terenul de antrenament cu goldul de la medalia de președinte.

Care mai e treaba, merge scurgerea de lovele din visteria țării?

Vă salut! Tzeom!

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Țara lu' niculae!

6 Day 5,344 ,01:45 在Republic of Moldova发布 Republic of Moldova 战略分析 战略分析

Moldova, țară frumoasă, păcat că-i locuită!

Am fost teribil de amuzat când am văzut că niculae a mai prins un mandat de președinte. Adică, e ca și cum ați fi pus un sac de cartofi la conducere. Dar mă rog, erați prea ocupați să țineți trezoreria

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