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A message from a Russian tired of being used.

120 Day 613 ,01:52 在USA发布 USA

Citizens of USA,

this is the first article of this paper where I'm not the author of the text. Instead this article is written by someone who loves his country and takes a big risk by speaking up against this war. The words comes … 更多 »

Welcome to eSweden Euphonix!

58 Day 607 ,02:34 在Sweden发布 Sweden

Yesterday the greatest tank of all time traveled to eSweden. The land of stubborn people who still think we can do a difference in this game by fighting for our allies.

Euphonix has showed interests in eSwedish politics and joined … 更多 »

UK should join Peace GC, they deserve it.

40 Day 606 ,13:14 在Sweden发布 Sweden

This is a repost of my ironic article 22 days ago. It was followed by comments such as: "UK will never join Peace its against everything we stands for." Written by a eUK citizen now living in Hungarian occupied Scotland.

Today the British

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The players have made Admin to postpone the redistribution of Raw Materials?

64 Day 605 ,13:19 在Indonesia发布 Indonesia

Has the invasion of USA and Canada made Admin to postpone the re distribution of Raw Materials?

It sure looks like it.

22 days ago Admin said that the redistribution of the raw materials was scheduled for the end of July.
[ … 更多 »

Hur fan strider man då!?

16 Day 601 ,11:06 在Sweden发布 Sweden

Vem kan strida?
Alla med level 5+ och minst 40 i wellness.

Var kan jag strida?
1. My places >> Army >> Show active wars där ser du alla strider
2. Även under latest events på första sidan dyker det upp krid som … 更多 »