Tea with Titans, Slua

Day 4,154, 09:21 Published in Ireland Ireland by Violence Seth

Well hello there, Sethesin here. Welcome to Tea with Titans, an occasional feature here on the Skald, where I endeavor to interview the movers, the shakers, the warlords and money makers right here on eRepublik!

In this fourth issue of Tea with Titans I'm very pleased to welcome the Party President of the Bachelor Party, Commander of the Irish Army, Press Director of Follow Slua and 8 time CP of eIreland.
It's none other than the one, the only..


So without futher ado, here's the interview

The Skal😛 Why do you play eRepublik?

Slua: I enjoy the community aspect of it. You'll find me every evening on Discord and throughout the day. Other than that it's nice to represent my country even if it is just over some stupid game.

The Skal😛 Paying cash cash money to overthrow eIrish subjugation. Worth it?

Slua: Depends whose asking really. If you're taking Ireland over to steal money - not worth it. If you're doing it to control the country and govern it diligently, possibly worth it. Then there's the question of who is supporting you. If you've to fight against Biednymis, you're just throwing away your money. Money isn't much here unless you've got the right levels of support.

The Skal😛 As a RL Irishman, how much did this inform your eDecisions as CP?

Slua: Very little really. I play on the whole hating the British thing but it's only a spiel in good faith. I've made plenty of British friends in this game and am in contact with some out of the game still. If the UK and ourselves were in the same sphere of influence or we had genuine good relations, there would be no huzzah about our RL history. It only serves me as a catalyst for a bit of fun.

My RL nationality does impact my decisions as a player. I've tried other cs in game and I can never fully settle in. Níl aon tintain mar do thíntain féin.

The Skal😛 eIreland seems like a sly creature, waging focused war on the left and complementing other nations on the right? Is it intentional or simply genetic?

Slua: It's intentional. We're a small nation meaning we can't have too big an impact on the world stage. For that reason we always support our allies and do so in air battles due to our lack of strength and our allies no Legend Bonus in these battles. Building on that we are a nation and community ourselves and we need to have our own fun. We're more than happy to go to war and throw some punches.

Look at Ireland like a boxer. No matter how badly you are getting beaten in the ring, you keep getting back up you keep taking punches until the final bell. This is a war game and no farming status quo is going to deny me or the Irish people from actually playing this game our way.

The Skal😛 eIreland today compared to yester-years past? Who do you miss the most?

Slua: Ireland version one was the best. So much activity but that was an entirely different game. In the modern game Ireland today is the best it has been in quite a while. We've rebuilt a community which has a lot of new players due to well worked retention.

There's a lot of players I miss. Connell Rath is an old player who was my mentor, Tomislav Rex Croatorum, Inept Punisher, Marinko Margarin, Sweet Drinker, Mirek as well as many of the other good folk I've met along the way.

The Skal😛 Who do you find the most interesting player friend/enemy playing presently?

Slua: Enemies, there are too many. More so on them disliking me. I also wouldn't like to give them the honour of typing their name.

Quite a few friends who are rather interesting. Again I'd rather not entertain them by saying their names.

I will however give a shout out to my fans. You know who you are.

The Skal😛 Why isn't eIreland invading the eUK? They're going through their "apathy" stage. Surely they should be punished now for past sins?

Slua: We keep trying but we keep getting blocked or Bulgaria/NMKD get involved and block. It's funny because they say they care about the UK but they don't really. They're just using the UK to farm gold. Unfortunately the Brits are happy with being a turnip patch for the rest of this game. I've offered friendly war game and all but they won't bite.

The Skal😛 Being a leader for such a long time must take it's toll. What's your biggest or pettiest gripe with being the big man in charge?

Slua: It gets tiring, thankfully I'm taking a peripheral role this month. I hate how direct things are now in this game. It used to be that you'd contact the relevant ministers, they do the work and the CP steers the ship. However the games much more fast paced and the old system isn't as practical. Now as CP you've to do a lot of the work yourself, through no fault of ministers. The role has become much bigger than what it once was.

The Skal😛 eRep is slowly dying, that's not debatable. Training War culture has made it a "block arranging" game for many. If you where on the Board of Directors what would you suggest to save this sinking ship?

Slua: Firstly, I'd allow Legend rank bonus to be applicable with MPP's. This makes MPP's relevant and also allows smaller countries to be protected by fighting directly and not having to rely on an ally coming to fight every time.

Secondly, I'd remove free training for the higher level players and give it to younger players. I'd make gold payments for using TG's be incremental so the higher your strength, the more costly it will be to increase. Purpose of this would be to reduce the building gap between the mighty and the weak.

I'd clear out a few outdated features such as bazookas and rocket factories. No need for such clutter.

I'd add in buildings which countries can buy that impact regional economics? Building on that, these buildings get damaged/destroyed if said region is attacked/conquered. Gives more incentives to hit economic hubs.

I'd probably change the division system to be based upon account age.

Division 1: 0-1 Year
Division 2: 1-4 Years
Division 3: 4-8 Years
Division 4: 8 Years+

The Skal😛 What is CODE?

Slua: CODE is a coalition of our allies. We've fought and coordinated with them over the past year or so and we believe our clique has its own identity as such. We didn't make it formal as we felt there was no need to bind each other through charters and agreements. Irregardless of what other members do, we will support each other as we are friends above being allies.

The Skal😛 You've talked through a number of issues in your last Presidential Address, explaining a lot of what I meant to cover in this interview. But one question is still burning in my mind after reading it. Why are you not contesting the C.P role this term and what's next for eCitizen Slua?

Slua: I've been actively involved in Government since my return to Ireland in June. Since then I've also ran the Irish Army and funded different initiatives. The past two months all of my time was given to the CP role. I'm happy to step aside and refocus on the Irish Army moving forward as this has been my baby. I'll continue to be very active and involved in the running of the country, however I do want a bit of a break so please don't disturb me from my Officers Mess unless absolutely necessary!

The Skal😛 What do you think of the recent rash of eFiction in eIreland? eRepublik has always been home to eFiction but the appetite for it seems to be nearly reaching a par with the Combat system as a reason to sign in. So Uachtarain, what do think is happening to eRep?

Slua: I 100% support it, I haven't fully engaged with a lot of the content you and Cat Sith have been publishing (Found Journal/Comm-Link) but I have dabbled a bit myself with one of my articles regarding a Presidential decision I made. eFiction is something special though and I hope it continues. I want the game to be fun for everyone and there to be a wider environment than just that of the military module. While I say that, there's elements of politics I strongly dislike taking a hold of how countries are run but I guess that is my political thought so it is fair game?

The Skal😛 What'd you want at the bar?

Slua: Depends on the bar I'm at.

Priory Sin, Five Lamps, Franciscan Well Archway, Sierra Nevada and Heineken would be my go to beers in that order.

Close the night out with a Jameson Caskmate in the pub. If I'm at home it depends on my mood, Miller as its cheap and cheerful to buy in the shops otherwise its a whiskey from the collection.

Another Tea with Titans, another look into the grizzly brains of the best and brightest in this little horror-show we call eRepublik! I'd like to thank Slua for his patience and honesty. It was truly illuminating and yeah, I think it was a class interview. So, yeah..

Thank you for reading!
