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The official Press Room of the United States. Check here, for all official announcements from your government.

WHPR [Day 1,001] - Media, Interior, and ATO Updates

11 Dia 1,001, 07:22 Publicado em USA USA

The Department of Media:

The wonderful Joshua Patterson has been called upon for a special mission. It is integral to the security of Ohio and will likely end in his untimely death. Or real life, something like that. That leaves me. I’ll … mais informações »

WHPR [Day 999] Join SEES or Republican Parties to Fight PTO

21 Dia 999, 12:40 Publicado em USA USA

Update 21:27: The current numbers regarding the PTO operations.

USWP - Fionia is up 126-30 - +96
Feds - Qubert is up 113-31 - +82
ADTP - Indrae is up 55-16 - +39
UIP - Justin McCravok is up 73-6 - +58
SEES - Max Wallingbottom III is up 96-68 -

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WHPR [Day 997] UPDATE: Move to Canada, Fight in Vestlandet!

11 Dia 997, 15:43 Publicado em USA USA


After the United States departed from EDEN during the Josh Frost administration, we soon ventured off … mais informações »

WHPR [Day 994] Move to Tennessee, Fight in Podolia

14 Dia 994, 19:02 Publicado em USA USA

Greetings America. We apologize for not bringing you news yesterday but the hacking is still going on and every log in puts this org at risk of someone accidentally clicking something. Regardless, you need news and so, that is what we'

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WHPR [Day 992] A New Administration and a New Set of Problems

11 Dia 992, 14:12 Publicado em USA USA

Note from Woxan: He has asked me to link to this article so that people don't panic while reading the slanderous one put out by the hacker.

Greetings [

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