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A paper for hooligans and voyeurs. And chocolate lovers. And lovers who don't like chocolate.

When only a dive bar feels right...

10 Dia 932, 14:03 Publicado em USA USA

It's recommended you immidiately open this link in the background before continuing your read, so that you can hear what we hear all day in the background at our clubhouse:


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A spy inflitrated Congress. A mind scrab and bad spy story.

9 Dia 930, 14:35 Publicado em USA USA

A spy enters Congress, unbeknown to IES, FEC or the CIA.

[img][/img] … mais informações »

The NoS Party votes to endorse the Lantrip/Angelini ticket for POTUS.

2 Dia 926, 22:25 Publicado em USA USA Primeiros passos no eRepublik Primeiros passos no eRepublik


We have closed our polling, and by a majority decision, our membership

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As my first act in Congress, I've nominated Fionia for Speaker of House.

5 Dia 918, 16:54 Publicado em USA USA

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Gold giveway, in memory of WmIreland.

5 Dia 914, 04:15 Publicado em USA USA

NOTE: THIS IS A MEMORIAL, with a cash contribution to the community. It's a bit of a read, but about a player who left with a smile, and a wish mais informações »