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Rosam quae meruit ferat

A Hipocrisia da Africa do Sul

46 Dia 849, 17:21 Publicado em Brazil Brazil

Dear subscribers, this is a tutorial for the "babies" Brazilians. Please, if you do not vote, I understand. But do not stop to sign my newspaper, you are VERY important to me!

Best regards,
Ryan Cullen

[img]http://img24.[/img] … mais informações »

Guia do Soldado Iniciante (adaptado com as novas regras)

31 Dia 848, 17:48 Publicado em Brazil Brazil

Dear subscribers, this is a tutorial for the "babies" Brazilians. Please, if you do not vote, I understand. But do not stop to sign my newspaper, you are VERY important to me!

Best regards,
Ryan Cullen

[img]http://img24.[/img] … mais informações »

Guia de Sobrevivência nos seus Primeiros 45 Dias (Republicando)

20 Dia 838, 04:10 Publicado em Brazil Brazil

Dear subscribers, this is a tutorial for the "babies" Brazilians. Please, if you do not vote, I understand. But do not stop to sign my newspaper, you are VERY important to me!

Best regards,
Ryan Cullen

[img]http://img24.[/img] … mais informações »

Um Guia para os Perplexos

14 Dia 834, 10:32 Publicado em Brazil Brazil

Dear subscribers, this is a tutorial for the "babies" Brazilians. Please, if you do not vote, I understand. But do not stop to sign my newspaper, you are VERY important to me!

Best regards,
Ryan Cullen

[img]http://img24.[/img] … mais informações »

Chile, estamos con usted

47 Dia 831, 13:27 Publicado em Chile Chile

Querido pueblo de Chile,

A través de este artículo, nosotros, el pueblo brasileño, queremos mostrar nuestro pesar por el reciente terremoto inmenso.

Y expresar nuestra solidaridad con ustedes, el pueblo chileno. Tenemos una
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