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Partido Liberalista Election

9 Dia 723, 17:06 Publicado em Bolivia Bolivia

On Sunday we go to the polls again to elect political party presidents. This is an important position within the political structure of Bolivian politics because the presidents choose who is nominated for President of the nation. That is why it is

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Bolivia, November 11, 2009

10 Dia 722, 17:04 Publicado em Bolivia Bolivia

The border of Maine - Bolivia
   Anthony Colby Today at 8:18 pm

. Bolivia, November 11, 2009
BOLIVIA Altiplano, Bolivia - The past few days have brought some interesting events to our great nation.

Congress Numbers Shrinking


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Bolivia Today

7 Dia 717, 16:52 Publicado em Bolivia Bolivia

November 6, 2009. Day 717
BOLIVIA Altiplano, Bolivia - Today it has learned that thirteen Congress members of Bolivia have been banned by the Admins for … mais informações »

Partido Liberalista Candidates-Partido Liberalista candidatos

13 Dia 704, 20:00 Publicado em Bolivia Bolivia

Fellow Bolivians,
I would like to urge you all to vote for the next Congress of Bolivia. I would also like you to vote for the candidates from Partido Liberalista. The … mais informações »


2 Dia 703, 16:42 Publicado em Bolivia Bolivia

BOLIVIA-- Today I am here to announce the candidancy for Congress of Joshua Morrisseau. Joshua Morrisseau has been a citizen of … mais informações »