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Currently running Historical events in Irish History

My Philosophy

5 Dia 823, 13:03 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

Well it is that time again. Time to vote for our representatives for Congress. I will be running this term as a member of the Irish Social Democrats in The Shannon. Since I am relatively new to Ireland I will tell a little about myself.

I was

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Citizens of Ireland

10 Dia 820, 14:39 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

This article is to the citizens of this great nation of Ireland. New citizens and old, immigrants and united peoples; we are all Irish.

In the past week Ireland has seen what most Irish have wanted since the birth of the eWorld, a united Ireland.

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Dundalk Fusiliers After Action Report

5 Dia 816, 18:27 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

After Action Report: submitted day 816, 17:50 hours to CO Sargant Stefanos
forward to IDF Chief of Staff Sean Power

Objectives: Secure Queen Elizabeth Bridge over River Lagan on the from the east after securing road from Belfast City Airport.

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Defender of the Oppressed

6 Dia 816, 11:13 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

The long awaited war to unite the whole of Ireland is upon us. Today at 12:00 eRep time we will cross the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland in what many here have seen as the ultimate goal of the Irish nation. It turns out that the war

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A Brief Glimpse

3 Dia 815, 15:24 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

The air is thick. Whether it is humidity or tension is hard to tell. The unit starts to move out to the sound of boots marching on the hard ground. The Lieutenant has given us our orders, "Take and hold the road and bridge leading into town&

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