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Ireland the time is now

4 Dia 828, 17:26 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

Unfortunly Ireland right now I am stuck in the land of tea and crumpets so if anyone has a moving ticket i would be pleased to have it. Anyway lets get to the topic northern ireland has been taken oven by british. For a long time theres been the

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Becca For Northern Ireland!

6 Dia 822, 12:28 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

Well maybe 3 is a lucky number. I think this chance is the best though. When I first ran for congress i gained no votes but myself while running in shannon. This discouraged me alot so I didnt run the next month. After that I tried to run again. I

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A United Ireland

9 Dia 816, 17:23 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

Finally something that i wanted to see my whole elife since i joined eireland. Its been a long 3-4 months but it happened. The Remarkable. A renited Ireland. As you could tell Norway did not try to get the region to themselves, but if they tried to

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Eireland We Need A Plan

2 Dia 813, 11:10 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

Do you want Northen Ireland. I think so Eireland. Most of us think that once we get northern ireland its gonna be over and we get it forever. Well guess what Eireland that doesnt happen to a country on here! Most even with a population of 1500 with

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Eireland We Need A Plan

1 Dia 813, 11:10 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

Do you want Northen Ireland. I think so Eireland. Most of us think that once we get northern ireland its gonna be over and we get it forever. Well guess what Eireland that doesnt happen to a country on here! Most even with a population of 1500 with

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