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The Examiner is eArmenia's go-to newspaper, reporting local and international news stories that cares about Armenia and the world. The Examiner is published every day and is with you 24/7 anytime you want, across eArmenia.

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The Armenia Examiner announcing a new feature

1 Dia 2,809, 17:25 Publicado em Armenia Armenia Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

The Armenia Examiner is proud to announce that due to the overwhelming response of the readers who enjoy the freshest news stories from Armenia and around the world, we are launching a new Arts & Entertainment feature so that readers can learn what'

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Azerbaijan should "gain intelligence": Armenia's Deputy FM

1 Dia 2,809, 10:01 Publicado em Armenia Armenia Análise da guerra Análise da guerra

The Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister of Armenia, Shavarsh Kocharyan calls on Azerbaijan to "gain intelligence" & not to give way to the arms race. During the meeting with journalists after the government session, Kocharyan (touching upon the

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Armenia to present its IT sector in 23 European cities in the fall

0 Dia 2,808, 17:27 Publicado em Armenia Armenia Assuntos financeiros Assuntos financeiros

The regular session of the Council that is supporting the development of the IT sector took place at the government(headed by PM Hovik Abrahamyan).

As the Examiner was informed by the Information & Public Relations Department of the Government

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Armenia Rejects World Bank Plan To Put Debt-Ridden Plant in a Bankruptcy

0 Dia 2,808, 16:01 Publicado em Armenia Armenia Assuntos financeiros Assuntos financeiros

The government of Armenia has rejected a recommendation from the World Bank to put a debt-ridden Yerevan chemical plant into bankruptcy.

The Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Yervand Zakharian told the parliament on July 28,2015 that the

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PM urges the business sector to participate in the fight against corruption

2 Dia 2,807, 17:18 Publicado em Armenia Armenia Assuntos financeiros Assuntos financeiros

The Prime Minister of Armenia, Hovik Abrahamyan currently attributes great importance to the active cooperation with the nation's business sector in the on-going fight against corruption. According to the PM, this cooperation is currently overlooked.

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