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A newspaper that supports the independence of eIndia as a sovereign capitalist union

(YUUVA)Congress Reelection

3 Dia 1,917, 19:12 Publicado em India India Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

So friends,I am going for a reelection in congress.Last time your votes got me in congress for the first and I thank you all.We are recently working on important territory negotiations and Cot referendum discussion.It would be really hard if all the

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We will never forget

4 Dia 1,916, 17:26 Publicado em India India Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

Most of you people out there nows a man who worked tirelessly,didn't work for himself and stayed out of controversy quit the game.He was my boss,my my captain,my mentor and a great friend.He has done so much for India and we couldn't keep him

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Government Transperency

3 Dia 1,911, 12:40 Publicado em India India Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

Hello all of my readers.Recently a young player named Sibeesh has been writing great articles and I would like to thank him for showing such activeness and encouraging people to become active in media.I would especially like to thank Wildy Quark who

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CoT Application

7 Dia 1,909, 04:44 Publicado em India India Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

I would like to inform all my readers as all of you have heard Mr. President has said that his two main priorities were joining CoT and generating more cash revenue by increasing import taxes.For all of you that do not know Cot is an alliance that

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5 Dia 1,897, 12:15 Publicado em India India Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

I would like to apologize to all of my readers wo read my previous article because it contained some wrong information.I assure you it was just a mistake and I was just trying to write my analysis.I hope you can forgive me for that

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