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[CP] Chirlanda!

31 Dia 2,314, 08:24 Publicado em Ireland Ireland Análise da guerra Análise da guerra

Hello eIreland, hello Aurora!
First of all I’d like to thank all our allies, especially eChile for magnificent performance in Irish landing in Carinthia. I’m really out … mais informações »

Mah man Bhane!

14 Dia 2,313, 19:21 Publicado em Ireland Ireland Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

So, I’ve decided to enter this nice “competition” by Harrilal where we should write some nice words about someone who’s not in my Military Unit or party. I’ve picked to write … mais informações »

[CP] Fighting Irish!

40 Dia 2,309, 16:22 Publicado em Ireland Ireland Análise da guerra Análise da guerra

Hello eIreland,
Happy St. Patrick’s Day. I can only wish I’m in Ireland right now celebrating it with rest of you guys. Hopefully, I’ll attend it once in my life. … mais informações »

[CP] First March Update

28 Dia 2,305, 17:37 Publicado em Ireland Ireland Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Hello eIreland,
I apologise for not writing much lately, but I’ve been very busy in organising, planning, talking, meetings and many other things, it distracted me from … mais informações »

[Irish CP] Aurora is born.

73 Dia 2,298, 05:47 Publicado em Ireland Ireland Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Hello eIreland,
I’m proud to announce that our new family, our new alliance and our new reason to fight for has been founded. It is officially now - Aurora is mais informações »