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Anime Music(Day 2,136)

4 Dia 2,136, 07:06 Publicado em Japan Japan Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

For today we have:

Everything has start so we start with opening.
Anime: Samurai Champloo
Artist: Nujabes (RIP) [img]http://[/img]

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Anime Music(Day 2,135)

4 Dia 2,135, 06:00 Publicado em Japan Japan Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

Hello !
From now on I will post songs from random animes.
I'll post 5 songs/day.
For today we have:
Nightmare- Alumina
This song was in "Death Note" as first ending.
Artist: [url=http://en.

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GIFS compilation

8 Dia 2,062, 08:01 Publicado em Japan Japan Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

Lets put away all the politics and enjoy this compilaton
(Putted as links for slow computer users to enjoy too)
#1 How about this ? [NSFW]

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Interview with the president of eJapan[SKB]

33 Dia 2,060, 07:26 Publicado em Japan Japan Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Hello everyone o/ [background music ]

As you can see today my guest will be the president of eJapan, Natsu Natsumee[/mais informações »

What is going on in eJapan ?/ Што се случува во еЈапонија? [SKB]

14 Dia 2,056, 01:25 Publicado em North Macedonia North Macedonia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Hello everyone o/

Right now eJapan is having problem with the citizens who are from eSerbia.
The party "Constantine The Great" has mainly members from eSerbia and the last elections they were trying to win ... by cheating.
First they … mais informações »