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Partidul Roz - inceput cu stangul

28 Dia 1,324, 06:03 Publicado em Romania Romania Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Intr-o lume a culorilor, in care fiecare se metamorfozeaza, am stat eu s-am cugetat si am ajuns la urmatoarea concluzie: decat sa va-nverziti ca unii, sau sa va maroniti ca altii, mai bine va faceti roz, ca mine.

Pentru ca vreau ca acest partid

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[MoFA] For better and for worse! Croatia, we are here for you!

38 Dia 1,229, 00:48 Publicado em Romania Romania

There are moments in each of our lives when we need to focus. There are moments when we need to change our priorities. And, last but not least, there are moments when we need to show our friends that we are by their side for better and for worse. … mais informações »

[MoFA] The battle of Kaliningrad

65 Dia 1,225, 04:04 Publicado em Romania Romania

Dear warriors, dear friends,

Yesterday, we have witnessed a change in the course of history, a change in the course of friendship. If we are going to look at the past, we’ll see that countries which were once fighting against eachother have

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[MoFA] A short talk with the Bulgarian MoFA

31 Dia 1,222, 18:58 Publicado em Romania Romania

Romania and Bulgaria have been fighting side by side for quite some time now. We've seen their actions and help on the battlefield, we've seen them on our chats and we have read their newspapers.

Through my function in the Romanian Foreign

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[MoFA] Congratulations and thankyous

32 Dia 1,211, 14:02 Publicado em Romania Romania

15.03.2011 – A memorable day for all of us

No doubt that today was a success for the Romanians playing this game. It implied hard work, a lot of stress, organization, optimization, and... a considerable amount of money.

I would like … mais informações »