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Maine Senator's Daily Congressional Report

1 Dia 618, 16:23 Publicado em USA USA

Day 616 and 617

7/28/2009: no votes

7/29/2009: Place Q5 Hospital in New York at the cost of 12500 USD No With the loss of California and other states the eUS has seen a substantial reduction of its revenue. Congress is already

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Maine Senator's Daily Congressional Report

1 Dia 616, 13:49 Publicado em USA USA

Day 615

7/27/2009: Increase Value Added Tax on gifts from 1% to 5% Yes I have consistently voted against raising the VAT on weapons because that would increase their price for citizens not in the military. (Military members receive free

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Maine Senator's Daily Congressional Report

0 Dia 615, 11:26 Publicado em USA USA

Day 614

7/26/2009: Peace treaty with Italy Yes Closes a war with a country that could attack us otherwise.

Citizenship goes into effect at 1:00 server time Day 617 (July 29, 2009). All eRepublic citizens will become citizens

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Thank You Maine

0 Dia 614, 14:42 Publicado em USA USA

Citizens of Maine:

Thank you for expressing your confidence in me to represent you for a second Congressional term. I will do my utmost to merit that confidence. I will continue to publish a daily voting record, and will continue my efforts

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Maine Senator's Daily Congressional Report

0 Dia 614, 14:00 Publicado em USA USA

Day 613

7/25/2009: Mutual Protection Pact with Croatia Yes European ally

7/25/2009: Increase value added taxes on weapons from 1% to 5% No I will not vote to raise cost of weapons to non-military citizens during a war.


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