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Две логики и ереповская Россия

63 Dia 2,549, 07:48 Publicado em Russia Russia Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

Одно из наиболее расхожих клише, которое в свой адрес слышит любое консервативное руководство ереповской России, вне зависимости от ника и длины волос, это БУХГАЛТЕРЫ.

Профессия честная, благородная, да ещё и опасная, судя по практике работ

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See you, Latvia

3 Dia 2,549, 06:01 Publicado em Latvia Latvia Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

I hope you have all enjoyed the Daily Sprattus during the brief time you had the experience to read its tremendously funny articles.
I'm sad to inform you that the person under Batu Karaev's
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Daily Sprattus 2517 Special Edition: POTATOLAND

26 Dia 2,517, 09:06 Publicado em Latvia Latvia Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

— No human being, however great, or powerful, was ever so free as a fish.
John Ruskin

Behol😛 Daily Sprattus is a typical emigrant newspaper devoted to describing the … mais informações »

Daily Sprattus 2515

11 Dia 2,515, 06:31 Publicado em Latvia Latvia Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

— No human being, however great, or powerful, was ever so free as a fish.
John Ruskin

Behol😛 Daily Sprattus is a typical emigrant newspaper devoted to describing the … mais informações »

Daily Sprattus 2513

20 Dia 2,513, 05:02 Publicado em Latvia Latvia Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

— No human being, however great, or powerful, was ever so free as a fish.
John Ruskin

Behol😛 Daily Sprattus is a typical emigrant newspaper devoted to describing the … mais informações »