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Some parting thoughts for Singapore.

4 Dia 600, 19:55 Publicado em Singapore Singapore

My term is almost up as a Singaporean congressman. I thank the people of Singapore for electing me and hope I have lived up to the trust placed in me.

I thank John Jay for convincing me to move to Singapore in the first place.

I am endorsing

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A Mesage to the citizens of Singapore.

7 Dia 593, 16:43 Publicado em Singapore Singapore

I plan on carrying on my duties you the people of Singapore elected me to do for the remainder of my term.

Congress will not impeach anyone. That idea is false. We are elected to serve the citizens of Singapore and not a particular President.

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Texas Industries Expanding

3 Dia 586, 14:49 Publicado em Singapore Singapore

Texas Industries has acquired an iron mine in Brazil and a weapons manufacturing plant in Singapore.

This expansion will bring more jobs to Singapore and another source of defensive weapons against any threat.

As a Congressman I believe it

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Terima Kasih.

1 Dia 584, 19:13 Publicado em Singapore Singapore

First I would like to thank Singapore for the trust placed in the Nationalist Party.

We will not let you down.

I would also like to personally thank those who elected me to my second term in Congress.

I will do my best to serve the

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Elections Again.

3 Dia 582, 19:49 Publicado em Singapore Singapore

Its that time yet again.

I could create some novel about how great I am as a Congressman and how wonderful the Nationalist Party is for Singapore.

Let's get to the point.

Why should you vote for Nationalist Candidates in tomorrows

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