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Far east

1 Dia 901, 06:50 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

-- Jockson with his band on this picture --

[url= informações »

Jamesw or Jockson... the word is out... military coup in UK

4 Dia 894, 13:26 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom">">
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Inbox alert

13 Dia 894, 03:08 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

Jockson wakes up this morning, sees the alert in his inbox, checks it out of course, and what it says is...

The President of Builders League United has decided to support you for the next country Presidential elections. Don't forget

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Spitfire spotted over Westminster Abbey, London

7 Dia 892, 10:49 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom">">

proudly inform you that Jockson's previous article [url= … mais informações »

The battle for initiative

9 Dia 890, 17:02 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

The day after the largest and most expensive Phoenix operation in history - cutting Poland off from Western Europe and striping it from high resource regions - the war continues.
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