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Method to Madness


75 Dia 2,179, 00:28 Publicado em Pakistan Pakistan Primeiros passos no eRepublik Primeiros passos no eRepublik

...........................................................THE GAMES PEOPLE PLAY...................................................

I solemnly do swear blah, blah, blah ...gobbledegook[/mais informações »

[CP] Manifesto – SAVE OUR NATION!

77 Dia 2,175, 07:44 Publicado em Pakistan Pakistan Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

This is my humble appeal to my eCountry, my eHome, ePakistan and the WORLD 😛 to VOTE FOR ME, NYX LYNX in the upcoming Presidential elections.


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[MoFo] Miss Me?

87 Dia 2,170, 06:10 Publicado em Pakistan Pakistan Primeiros passos no eRepublik Primeiros passos no eRepublik


Parental discretion advised due to imminent profanity

I will get straight to the point and here are some quick things I would like to start with.

1. I self-appoint myself as the MoFo (mais informações »

Farewell :)

145 Dia 2,135, 08:18 Publicado em Pakistan Pakistan Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

Hello my lovely ereptilians,

Usually when I quit I do so quietly and as unobtrusively as possible. I suck at farewells and things of that sort. I quit like 2-3 weeks ago I guess, and it’s so hard … mais informações »

Psycho Analysis - 3 MUZ1

55 Dia 2,093, 04:28 Publicado em Pakistan Pakistan Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

We have elected a nutcase for CP, Muz1 who also happens to be my ebrother. He is a classic emo-blackmailer and you totally know at the beginning what he is

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