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[MoComms] The New War Module: The Basics

12 Dia 1,043, 16:59 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

The much maligned rising war module was scrapped two days ago, bringing to end three months of millions of euros of wasted investor money, and the loss of half the playing population. The new eRepublik, a simpler and cheaper version of Rising is mais informações »

[MoLA] Congressional Report: 25th August - 25th September

10 Dia 1,039, 12:06 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

This is a public service announcement from the Ministry of Legislative Affairs. Don’t forget to vote and subscribe. We need your votes!

This Congressional report includes all the proposals … mais informações »

[MoComms] Why Play: Foreign Affairs Edition

6 Dia 1,037, 08:26 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

In this series of articles, we will try and inform you what you can do in erepublik if you are active in the community, work hard and have an open mind. However there are many different ways of being successful in erepublik, from diplomatic mais informações »

[MoComms] Working and Economy Changes

6 Dia 1,033, 12:02 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

Yet again, the admins have made major changes to the economic module, which means we need to work out the new economy and inform the public how to get a job and work in the revised module. I hope that this guide will help you do these things and mais informações »

[MoComms] Wellness and Happiness

7 Dia 1,029, 15:58 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

Hello, in this tutorial we will explain why it is important to keep high health and happiness and how to manage these two things

You have just found your first job and you lost some health and happiness points and your boss asks you to keep a

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