Fundo lig/desl


4 Dia 534, 18:29 Publicado em Malaysia Malaysia

since the thailand war we have been in a steady decrease of citizens. We had about 295 during the war. Since the end we are at 266 as of this article. This is not a sudden drop because of mercs. This has been slowly decreasing. WE NEED MORE

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0 Dia 531, 19:11 Publicado em Malaysia Malaysia

sorry about the q2 shortage. My net was down most of today/yesterday. I put out a bunch of stock today. I hope its enough my productions down because we havent got very many new players recently.

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Monetary Market OUT OF CONTROL

9 Dia 529, 06:31 Publicado em Malaysia Malaysia

I dont know if anyone else has looked lately but.....

195 MYR FOR ONE GOLD!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

THIS IS INSANE. To all those who operate the majoritity of the money market. Congratulations for robbing Malaysian citizens and slowing our economy

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UMF EMPLOYEES Blogspot page

1 Dia 527, 22:21 Publicado em Malaysia Malaysia

I went ahead and got a blogspot page so I can keep all UMF employes updated with info. I figured its better then putting a new news article every other day.

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Silly KM Values are for people

0 Dia 524, 22:55 Publicado em Malaysia Malaysia

I know we all remember the disaster that happened with the KM but I remembered a shout from Former president Sudirman who's propaganda was that we kicked him out and he would be here for months. So Being bored right now. I checked up on where our

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