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Benefits At United Malaysia Food

1 Dia 499, 22:16 Publicado em Malaysia Malaysia


Benefits I will be introducing today

1. Gift plan-

I noticed Gift prices are high. So if my employes need that little bit of welness boost especialy lack of a goverment gift program or as far as I know. I will pay

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United Malaysian Food employes Or UNEMPLOYED CITIZENS

0 Dia 499, 22:14 Publicado em Malaysia Malaysia

To all UMF employes I would like to evaluate everyones pay. None of the respones sent to me will result in a pay decrease only an increase. I'm only able to do this because most of my employes stay with the company. And to increase the total

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1 Dia 490, 13:50 Publicado em Malaysia Malaysia

If you would like a job apply at the united malaysian company. I would put jobs out for all but some people take a job for their skill but the welness is so low and make almost no product i cant possibly pay that much. So I will be paying based on

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Food prices

1 Dia 487, 14:28 Publicado em Malaysia Malaysia

I do agree with everyone food prices are high. Im going to try and keep mine down but untill I find an overseas company I can buy my grain from Its gonna be tough.

Im currently lookin in Eusa and Eromania for a company I can buy from. Currently

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8 Dia 486, 07:47 Publicado em Malaysia Malaysia

I diden't think that my running for KM would cause such a stir so after the backlash from SP and others I went back and read the history of the KM. After reading such articles and the present arguments for why the Solidarity party should win.


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