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The oldest economic magazine in eCanada, it once operated regular columns when there were things to talk about, but the days of interesting things here has long since past.

Head Office in Vancouver, field offices in Los Angeles and Toronto.

The Economy and the Congressional Elections

1 Dia 1,892, 22:18 Publicado em Canada Canada Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Tommorow a new congress will convene on the temporary capitol of Alberta, and I am myself running for congress on the IPC Ticket. In this Article I will address the state of the economy and give my opinions on how we can turn it around.

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This Socialist Piggy went to the Market... Week 3. ft. David Bowie

5 Dia 1,888, 20:55 Publicado em Canada Canada Assuntos financeiros Assuntos financeiros

This week was normal, Prices for weapons fell, Prices for food fell, With gold sitting in the low to mid $300 price range

Lets break it down...

DAY 1882


Q1 weapons on the eCanadian market were priced at $.16
Q2 weapons on the

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This Socialist Piggy went to the Market... Week 2

5 Dia 1,881, 22:56 Publicado em Canada Canada Assuntos financeiros Assuntos financeiros

This week was normal, Prices for weapons fell, Prices for food fell, With gold sitting in the mid $300 range

Lets break it down...

DAY 1875


Q1 weapons on the eCanadian market were priced at $.25
Q2 weapons on the eCanadian

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This Socialist Piggy went to the Market... Week 1

8 Dia 1,874, 22:16 Publicado em Canada Canada Assuntos financeiros Assuntos financeiros

Aside from a market fluctuation on days 1872 & 1873, the market was stable. Food prices fell, Weapons prices fell, with gold sitting at the mid $300 range

Lets Break it down...

DAY 1869


Q1 weapons on the eCanadian market were

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3 Dia 1,827, 23:44 Publicado em Canada Canada Análise da guerra Análise da guerra

Today the brave soldiers of eCanada and beyond have liberated British Colombia
from Polish hands. Toady we celebrate true freedom, foreign lands no longer
control any of our land, ever inch of it reclaimed from the Poles. Today is a
day to

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