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Another interesting interview

9 Dia 1,564, 13:25 Publicado em Slovenia Slovenia Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

Hello to everyone.

In this article i will make one short interview with another great fighter.

Below are the questions with one of the best fighter in Slovenia. That's dkivi


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This is Plato??

16 Dia 1,559, 04:23 Publicado em Slovenia Slovenia Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

Hello dear readers.

In this article i will tell you some informations that i have found myself for this person who makes this game Erepublik.

George Lemnaru this is the RL name of is our creator in this game.

Some of you love him, some of

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Interview with great fighter and person

61 Dia 1,557, 10:52 Publicado em Slovenia Slovenia Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

EN version

Hello dear citizens from the New World.

Today i'm very proud because one of the best fighters in this game who accept my invitation to make one interview with me.

Ladies and gentlemens i present to you great fighter from Bulgaria.

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Condolences for Don Kronox from Macedonia

39 Dia 1,554, 11:23 Publicado em Slovenia Slovenia Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

Two days ago all Erepublik world was shocked with the horrible news from Slovenia. eSlovenia lost famous player and person not only here but in real life that's horrible.

I don't know his personal and erepublik carrier but from that i hear and

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Thanks Slovenia

51 Dia 1,549, 12:50 Publicado em Slovenia Slovenia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

English version below.

Уморен сум од читање шаути, каде што луѓето велат дека Словенија никогаш не и помага на Македонија.

Подолу има слики каде Словенски играчи се борат за Македонија и ние го цениме тоа.

Во оваа статија сакам да изразам го

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