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1600 Index - Company upgrade ends, market still hungover

5 Dia 1,635, 03:56 Publicado em USA USA Assuntos financeiros Assuntos financeiros

As we have seen with the March Company Upgrade sale, prices fall dramatically during the sale and then take another 2-4 days before they recover. The Company upgrade party is over, but we've got a mess to clean up.

Raw materials prices hold, a

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Market Report - Day 1634

4 Dia 1,634, 03:43 Publicado em USA USA Assuntos financeiros Assuntos financeiros

Price pressure continues downward as all segments except wages slip.

Raw materials drop .01cc in food and weapons pushing the Raw Material Index to an historic low of 51.11 (that represents 51.11% of the price on Day 1600).


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Market Report - Company upgrades (day 4) - flat line

4 Dia 1,633, 03:26 Publicado em USA USA Assuntos financeiros Assuntos financeiros

Day 4 of the 44% company upgrade sees prices holding to slightly down, with wages returning to their upwards path after a one day pause.

Raw materials hold steady leaving the Raw Materials Index at 55.56.

Food improves on the low-end (

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Market Report - Company upgrades (day 3) - not so terrible

3 Dia 1,632, 03:31 Publicado em USA USA Assuntos financeiros Assuntos financeiros

The inter-day numbers from Day 1631 market prices indicated that today's (Day 1632) opening prices would be down. However, that wasn't the case as prices rallied to present a not terrible picture. Of course that may be analogous to the Waterworld[

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Market Report - Don't Panic edition

3 Dia 1,631, 04:11 Publicado em USA USA Assuntos financeiros Assuntos financeiros

As a lad, one of my favorite reads was Douglas Adams The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. In the book, the Hitchhikers Guide (it self a digital book) was a best seller largely because of two reasons: it was slightly cheaper; and it had the

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