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Peace GC turns Germany into international playground.

21 Dia 417, 03:52 Publicado em Germany Germany

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Germany which is currently building up its economy after their previous failed occupation of Poland have now been targeted by Peace GC to be used as international playground.

Germany has been given most of

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Peace GC turns Germany into international playground.

29 Dia 417, 03:51 Publicado em Sweden Sweden

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Germany which is currently building up its economy after their previous failed occupation of Poland have now been targeted by Peace GC to be used as international playground.

Germany has been given most of

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Russian aftermatch: Age of the Pirates

22 Dia 414, 06:10 Publicado em Sweden Sweden

Yesterday the Russian empire was annihilated, all the former Russian regions where conquered by Romania. Not by military force but by a political takeover by romanians in Russia.

Actions like this is nothing new, in eRepublik the Moving … mais informações »

Oroligt Nyårsfirande vid kungliga slottet.

18 Dia 413, 16:49 Publicado em Sweden Sweden

This is very important information about coming swedish military tactics, hence in swedish only for security reasons.

En grupp Pansarsoldater hade det tveksamma nöjet att agera högvakt vid … mais informações »

Internet warriors of Poland!

20 Dia 395, 11:14 Publicado em Poland Poland

Ladies and gentlemen, it's killing time!

USA is under attack and she need our help, your help. Sweden will lauch a counter attack to help USA and fight Peace GC.

I encourage you to move to Sweden, Svealand has a Q4 hospital, fight down … mais informações »