White House Press Release - October 15

Day 1,061, 00:02 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room
"Jankems does not hunt; the word hunting implies the possibility of failure.

Jankems goes killing."

Quick Links:

- Talk with people on IRC, so you can be scared in real time here.
- Read the FEC election update.
- Like to fight? Join the Training Corps. Fight for your country!
- Prefer to do less bloody activities? Fill out a form at the eUS Department of Human Resources.
- Need food? Meals on Wheels has you covered. Sign up for free food here.

A Special WHPR by Nicholas Ryan:

My Fellow Americans:

Operation Monkey Business has been a smashing success. After less than 24 hours, we’ve filled more than a thousand requests and we’re raring for more! Keep them coming America.

The downside of this is that #defense has been bogged with requests and it has become extremely complicated to both fill requests on demand and the backlog that develops. I helped with this for a time in the early hours of the morning and can tell you that this approach not only wastes a lot of time and slows down our efforts, but it’s also unfair to those who filled out their requests earlier and have been waiting patiently.

As a result, we ask that all American citizens to simply fill out the request form and be patient while our volunteers get to your slot. You can still come by #defense to get the link to the sign up sheet, ask general OMB or fighting questions to live people, and to bring some freshly baked cookies (for our vols) and bananas (for Colin and jankens), but live supplies drops will be less frequent.

Request more supplies by clicking here.

I would also like to remind you not to re-fill out request applications until you have received and used the supplies from your last request. If your inventory slots are full at the time we check, we will mark you as being filled and move on. By completing application after application, you will gain nothing extra and only waste the time of our volunteers. But a free-for-all at the price of a little red tape is still a free-for-all! Keep sending those requests, my friends! Drink deep from Amurika’s Cup-of-Plenty and direct your renewed vitality unto those who dream themselves our masters!

On a more technical note, we would like to remind and inform all Americans that their houses will be working double-time until November 5th (the birthday of a certain serving White House Deputy Secretary of Media’s birthday who will be expecting hand written greeting cards from all who read this).

It seems that in the change in Health Rules caused a glitch where Houses were not paying off they should have. To compensate for this, the eRepublik staff have altered the game code so that the listed health gain from houses will be applied double each day. This will happen automatically and requires no input for you. Those more observant among us may notice that the health gain listed for the next day when they ‘mouse-over’ their health does not appear to be doubled, do not be fooled or file tickets. The display will not change, but the effect will.

With that said, I think we can all be happy that this should solve the foreclosure crisis far better than TARP. 😉

To close, I just wanted to leave you with a little more food. Some food for thought, this time.

My beloved countrymen, the day so many thought would never come; a day that we considered in moments of despair to be only a dream is close at hand! The once mighty armies of the Huns, Serbians and Russians turn their backs to us to beat a hasty retreat! Phoenix stands on the brink of collapse and you, America, have been given the power to, with a mighty shove, drive them off the edge and shatter this once feared alliance!

TO ARMS, AMERICA! Lay waste to those who once stood mighty! Charge forward and do not fear, for Dio looks over you all and smiles, for your wrath is mighty! I SAY UNTO YOU CRY ‘HAVOC’ AND LET SLIP THE DOGS OF WAR!