Understanding the Importance of Democracy

Day 1,457, 13:22 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Stefan1992

Over the last couple of months, the world has seen the rise of the 99%. For too long, the banks and corporations have taken advantage of the people, and we simply have had enough of this. Earlier today, the Occupy London protesters were given eviction notices. The corporations have plenty of money to deal with this problem, and unfortunately it looks like London will suffer the same fate as many Occupy protests in America, including Portland, Oakland, and the original protest at New York City. Where is the fairness in that? Why should the 1% have complete control of all the wealth and power, and end any attempts of an uprising?

You may be wondering why I am bringing this up. We all know we don’t care about real life stuff in eRepublik articles. But we must realise that we face a similar situation in the eUK. I have taken some time off from this place, becoming involved in the Occupy movement. And I have learnt a lot about the importance of democracy, and how ultimately, if people come together in the name of equality and fairness, the will of the people can succeed. What intrigued me was the organisation of the camp. Everyone worked for the betterment of the people as a whole. There was no such thing as greed, which has caused many of the problems we see today. Even more importantly, everyone got a voice. True democracy ruled, where the decisions were made by the people, and not by some elite group.

It is this sort of society I want to see succeed here in eRepublik. And the Dharma Initiative is the only party that is focusing on that goal. We have seen that many parties are ultimately ruled by the 1%. The decisions that affect the country are made by the elites. People are given candy to join, but are then used so that the elite can become even more powerful. I will not stand for that. I want a society where everyone is treated equally, with the respect and dignity they deserve. The Dharma Initiative provides a platform for all people to express their voice, where everyone has the ability to vote on the issues that affect us all.

Of course, there are flaws with the Occupy Protests. But we have a plan already in place to deal with the problems we face in eRepublik. And when there is a solution and agent of action to the problem, a movement can succeed. We can’t change the eWorld or the eUK overnight, but we can begin to make a stand in providing the democracy we all deserve, and give the power back to the 99%, instead of having the elite control all. Democracy is key to providing a society we all deserve. It is what gives the people the power, a voice where everyone can be heard. We here at the Dharma Initiative hope that you agree with this ideology. If you don’t, you’re probably either part of the greedy elite or have been brainwashed by them. If you want to live in a society where we can work towards the betterment of the people as a whole, and have a voice in democracy, the Dharma Initiative is the place to be.

Party President of the Dharma Initiative