To Justinious with MUCH love from ePlaygirl

Day 412, 19:17 Published in USA United Kingdom by Meghan

So you're pretty much the most amazing politician alive, regardless of the outcome of this very tight race. You truly live up to your word, and I can testify to your tried and true ways of kindness, generosity, humor, strength, good will toward fellow citizens, and general good manners.

I have faith that you will win this presidential election and whatever the outcome may be I wish to serve you in anyway I possibly can...if you catch my drift...and if you don't I can just empty out the White House garbage cans or whatever.

I am so proud of you and all of the UCP members for running such a positive campaign for you and Pi. Good show people, very good work, nicely done. I don't believe that there was any spaming involved, no backdoor deals were made, no speech slip-ups in the public eye.

No matter what I just want to reiterate that we at ePlaygirl (that would be only me) are behind you 100% no matter what the outcome. And if any of you citizens have not yet voted I strongly, and I mean STRONGLY urge you vote for the man bringing Pi into office, what with their excellenct foreign policy experience, general generosity within their means, open door policy, and so on. Please look deep into you hearts and vote for the right man and woman for the job. VOTE JUSTINIOUS/PRINCESSMeddyPI 2009!!!!!!!! please. ePlaygirl will love you if you do!

~~~ePlaygirl, a paper with Fox News!~~~