Tips and Advice for New eAmericans

Day 412, 16:48 Published in USA USA by Joe DaSmoe

I thought I would take a minute to write this article as a way for me to help out new guys. For those of you that know me, I figured this would be a more effective way of answering your questions. Hope this is a helpful article!

This game is a little confusing at first. It may seem no one is home so to speak. There is much, much more to eRepublik than meets the eye though. I have found that no matter what time I log on people are active and there are a lot of active discussions taking place.
The forums are always interesting, it is open to everyone. You can see whats going on in Congress, find answers to your questions, or simply post your questions and wait for an answer. Most people are surprisingly helpful, although you can expect some sarcasm once in awhile. Its all in good fun though. Also, I prefer the eUsa forums over the homepage forum hands down.

Although it may seem like an uphill battle, you will eventually be able to raise your wellness. Fighting is the easiest way to do it. My advice to you would be to buy a moving ticket and move to Florida. Work daily and Train daily. When a war breaks out, fight (if above 40 wellness). Never allow your wellness to dip below 40 or 45 when fighting. After you reach this point, click the Heal button. If you are in FL you will receive 50 wellness, because it has a 5-star(Q5) hospital. After that stop. You can only heal once a day. Be sure to check the wars list daily to see if there are any active battles. YOU CAN FIGHT FROM FL if the USA is fighting or if we are aiding an Allied nation through a MPP(mutual protection pact). Making contacts and finding a gifting partner are also helpful. Also note that your wellness correlates to the quality of company you work for. i.e. Q4 company, -4 wellness each time you work.

Eat the best quality food you can afford, the quality level roughly indicates the wellness boost it will give you. Try to save money for a House. The are expensive, but you should eventually be able to buy one. I got my first one around a month in. Also stay active and work daily and the vast majority of company owners will give you raises.

If you are like me, you want to advance asap. Therefore working and training are essential, 1 exp point each. Voting(in elections) also gives you 1 pt. Fighting gives you 2 exp per fight, so never miss a chance. I know that I completely wasted my first couple of weeks, missing several fights simply because I thought this game kinda sucked and failed to take the time to look at active battles. This may be an obvious point, but make sure you look at all the shout tabs when you log on. You can only see people on your friends list when you first open your page. Make sure to check the official and everyone tabs. Someone almost always shouts Fight.

I would also like to acknowledge the value of acquiring a newspaper. Its well worth the gold. It gives you a nationwide voice and can help you meet people.
When you write articles try to use proper grammar and spelling, your words are your face in this world. Also you should actively read articles and subscribe to the relevant ones, as their authors can provide tips and insight into this game. You can also communicate with people in the IRC chat, though it requires a download. Type #usa-chat in the channel search to connect.

Purchasing an organizations is also important once you can afford it. Orgs allow you to start a company separate from your citizen account so your company doesn't hurt your wellness. They can also serve as extra inventory and you can gift yourself from them. They can also come in handy if you decide to fight abroad(store gifts, moving tickets, etc. ) Fighting abroad is expensive though, and I don't recommend you try it until you are well established.

Joining the military and joining a party are also essential if you want to thrive in the game. Most parties have their own party forums. Be sure to pick the right party the first time and stick with it. They are accessed by clicking the link on the party page. You have to be strength level 4 for the army, 6 for the marines, there is also the National guard but I am not sure of the requirements.

Lastly, I would also suggest reading through the threads the forums. Do your Homework!!! That way you won't come off as being uninformed like me, lol, when you finally decide its time for your voice to be heard. I hope this helps, I know it would have helped me early on.

Vote up! Subscribe.

Thanks for reading,

Joe DaSmoe,
New guy
Proud Marine

Voice for the common man, VP of eUsa

Here are a few links which will lead you to more detailed info, I will add more as I find them.
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eUsa forums

Military forums (soldiers only)

eArmy recruitment form

WIKI INFO(exp chart, gold rewards, etc.)

IRC information

Trivia help