Thanks to some wonderful people!

Day 2,429, 16:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Madelina de Melrose

It's election day, and there are still several hours to go. The fat lady may be taking a quick glance at the sheet music, but she isn't warming up just yet!

However things end up, my heartfelt thanks go to a tremendous team of people who have done so much work on my campaign. I have been very impressed with their professionalism, humour, integrity, humour, energy, humour....

In no particular order...

VoodooMike71 - for someone relatively new to eRep, you've grabbed the proverbial bull by the horns and ended up with hamburger on the grill!

NLSP - For someone who claims his English isn't great, your articles were great! You just rolled up your sleeves and got to work, and I don't think you've stopped since this juggernaut started.

hotfuz - I was knocked sideways when you told me your age (and no, I'm not telling anyone!) - you're way more mature than your years. And a very talented writer with a knack of making things make sense.

Dan Moir - Your experience no doubt kept us from making too many mistakes, your understanding of how to run a campaign kept us on agenda and your patience was legendary!

Talon Karrde - Where do I start? When I questioned my sanity, you're the one who told me it was okay to be crazy - almost a prerequisite for the job! Again, a ton of experience and a steady hand on the helm kept us out of trouble.

Hugo Lilly - Patience above and beyond as I struggle with technologies that come naturally to those so much younger, and calm and steady support and encouragement...

Guys, you've been my rocks and my inspiration. And will be the core of my advisory group, as I know the PP job really needs the input from many, not just the ideas of one.

What can I say, but THANK YOU!!!