I Like Pike! [Paul For President]

Day 1,080, 15:48 Published in Switzerland USA by Paul Proteus

Okay, so I was a LITTLE cheap when picking out campaign stickers

That's right, its me Paul again, and I am here to address you all one last time,

On the fifth, you will decide who runs Switzerland, and I won't go on to talk about my opponents, I will not take part in negative campaigning, it isn't right, and does not show political maturity, it shows desperation. All I have to say, is that some of my opponents I respect, and some I do not. Still, I wish good luck to all, remember, this is just a game, just an election. So, be civil, and let the best man win.

As much as I think our current system of electing presidents is crude and primitive

A Bass battle is a preferred alternative

Lastly, see my previous article if you want to review my policy

Anyway remember, P4P,
I can't win without you, You are not electing a representative of Eden, you are not electing a selfish medal hunter, but if you vote for me, you are electing your representative to help make Switzerland better


Vote Paul for Change
Vote Paul for Experience
Vote Paul for a Military!

There will be a Military!