Groovy New Fronts

Day 1,494, 11:08 Published in USA USA by Marcus Oritas
Dear esteemed readers of the Groovy Gazette(formerly known as the Laconic Canticle),

The time for analysis has come!

Our united and glorious invasion of ONE Europe, has met with many successes and twists. The USA and Canada successfully liberated France and Southern Germany, but our advance was stopped, and so Croatia has taken the lead in order to conquer Poland. The conflict in the Croatian mainland has been stopped, as Hungarian attention moves towards defending itself against Ukraine, and Bulgaria. The Argentinian invasion of Spain has been defeated once and for all, and the Indonesia-Brazil conflict has been renewed. These changes have led to a more complex World War, and could dampen EDEN and Terra’s hopes for victory.
Here's where it will be decide😛


1. In the Croatian Invasion of Poland
Croatia looks to be the army that finally defeats Poland. If they succeed, then Poland will start to lose more territories in Germany and the Netherlands, and those nations will bring a new factor to Terra and EDEN that has been sorely missed.

2. Hinged upon the renewed Serbian-American conflict
Serbia has emerged from a day of multiple defeats, to regain all its lost territories except for those in Bosnia and Croatia, and gain new ones in Italy and Spain. If Serbia could reenter the Americas, this would remove the American and Canadian protectorates in France and Switzerland, which would probably start a domino effect of France getting invaded, to France pulling out of the British Isles, to a costly invasion by Canada alone, which could require more support and possibly take away the 1% margin of victory we typically have. But the USA was the one who initially declared war, and so we will be fighting at full force, which will not be as easy for Serbia, especially with our allies support. This war is especially important because it will show whether the Terra liberation of France meant anything in the long term.

3. Coupled with the EDEN invasion of Hungary
Hungary was in the process of saving Poland from another invader, but Ukraine and Bulgaria emerged to shake up the Balkan picture. A defeat of Hungary would be very devastating to ONE, as Croatia would be free to do as they wish, Romania would be liberated, and Serbia would be without a slave to fight alongside their rampage across Southern Europe. A Romania without a Hungary next door, would be able to unleash massive damage to ONE.

4. Guarded by the War in the Southern Hemisphere
Indonesia has taken much of western South Africa, which has traditionally been a strong ally to Brazil. So Brazil has engaged them once more, but they have been struggling. But help is coming from China, who is trying to gain a border with Indonesia, by marching through India and Thailand. China’s entrance could save South Africa, and deal a blow to Indonesian power and support for her allies.

5. Felt with Anticipation in the Baltic Region
Russia, after defeating Lithuania, went after Sweden, with Finland working on liberating Norway, and splitting Swedish forces. However, Baltic resistance has led to EDEN/Terra territory being attacked, and prevented from invading with full force, which has led to a difficult invasion for Russia. If Russia, Finland, and Norway can succeed in Sweden, that will lead to a wide range of new possibilities for the victorious Northern powers, such as the ability to assist Croatia in Poland.

6. Encouraged by the Turkish Invasion of Iran
Turkey has been devastating Iran time after time and ONE is yet to liberate a region back to Iran. Help appeared to be arriving from FYROM, but they just made Cyprus their NE to secure back an important Terra force in the Mediterranean. You can expect a major Turkish influence for Cyprus, and in other allied battles as long as they cruise unapposed through Iran. Iran will not get enough support to gain initiative as long as their allies are heavily preoccupied with restoring control over Europe.

7. On the glorious invasion of the United Kingdom
Canada and France have made great success in Britain, to the point where Ireland was free to leave and invade Denmark instead, possibly to join the invasion of Sweden. This war hinges on the American ability to restrain Serbia, so the U.K. may be saved from destruction. But only if the United States fail, and Terra forces must fall back.

These events are an interesting twist to our glorious invasion. Our success in Western Europe, is being challenged by Serbia, who may force Croatia, Bulgaria, and Ukraine to defeat Poland and Hungary all on their own. Spain is free once more to attack Terra, and Iran, Sweden, and the U.K. are sorely in need of help. If Serbia defeats the USA, and Poland defeats Croatia, the U.K., Iran, and Sweden will get the help they need. We are in a state of urgency, as always, but keep lookin’ groovy y’all, because when we are in a groove, we cannot lose. That has been proven at Java, at Aquitaine, Oltenia, and Northern Great Plain. Epic battles are sure to come out of Serbia and Poland very soon, so be there to smack them back down into the dark abyss from whence they came. So good luck out there.

A brief update on your favorite war newspaper that doesn't utilize maps, as they are hard to make, regarding groove and snazz

I realized people prefer pure analysis, without jokes, and limited snazz. So here you go. And by the way, I appreciate votes, and subs. They are the snazziest thing you can do for me. Your snazziness will live on in your votes, long after you leave this game and all other material goods, to help the poor or something. My heart tells me you are a righteous gang of snazzy groovsters. So if you do not wish to be snazzy, read the fudge off my newspaper. This is for snazzy people only. I promote the notion of war that is groovy and snazzy, and if you don't like it, read the fudge off my newspaper. That's why I changed the name to the Groovy Gazette. I regret such harshness, as I love all of you contritely. But sometimes its just hard, you know what I'm saying? You might ask yourself, "What is he trying to sell me with all this bizarre snazzy-groovy bullshit? What does it mean"? It means that snazz transcends all, motherfucker. It may just be how we win this war.