Ministry Of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Statement

Day 1,494, 16:19 Published in Ukraine Ukraine by Ministry of Defence Ukraine

To: EDEN, all allies and friendly nations
From: Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Of Ukraine

Ministry Of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine is pleased to make the following statement:

Dear comrades, friends, partners, allies!

It has been only the second day of the extensive Hungarian campaign, and already we
are seeing some serious results. Ukraine has claimed the Central Hungary region - a core
Hungarian territory, a capital of a once influencial nation. We also subdued a RW in
Northern Hungary. Our Bulgarian friends have just opened a much needed third front,
capturing a strategically important Maramures region. Also, we are very pleased to see
our Romanian allies recapturing their native territories - Oltenia, Transilvania and
Banat. This, undoubtedly, adds more pressure on Hungary. Simultaniously, our Croatian
friends are persuing strategically important targets on the western flank. Essencially,
Hungary is fully outflanked and suffering.

Needless to say, all of this would not have been possible without close cooperation
within EDEN nations.
Once again, Ukraine is very greatful for all the close support
EDEN had already granted us and keeps providing on a daily basis.

More over, there's one particular fact we would like to highlight. Frankly, singling
out individual efforts goes against our rules, however, today we feel obliged to do so.
There's been much discussion about Turkey's status within EDEN. Well, it seems our
new-found allies from Turkey have proven their commitments and capabilities with deeds, not just words.
FACTA NON VERBA. This is exactly what we would like to see. Turkey's influence in this campaign has been if not decisive then very influencial to say the least. Maybe Turkey's commitment to EDEN constitutes that little edge that all of us needed against ONE dominance.

Again, Ukraine expresses full commiment to all EDEN initiatives and thanks all friendly nations that have been helping us in this campaign - Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Turkey, Usa, Greece and others. Only unified cooperative and determined can we be successful in the hard endeavor we are currently engaged in.

Hail EDEN, hail allies!!!

dimakossa, 2nd Vice-Minister MoFA of Ukraine

Міністерство Закордонних Справ Украіни повідомляє:

Дорогі співвітчизники та союзники!

Кампанія увійшла в другу фазу і вже зараз ми бачим конкретні результати. Суровий Украінський Чобіт важкою ходою йде по Угорщині, Будапешт палає, Болгари відкрили 3ій фронт, союзні Румуни підсилюють натиск, а дружні Хорвати взірвали західний фронт - Угорщина в кільці вогню.

Звичайно, все це не було б можливим без нашоі відважності і союзноі підтримки. Ми щиро вдячні ЕДЕНу за допомогу.

Особливо хотілось би відзначити вклад Туреччини у цю кампанію. Як ми бачимо з топ5 битви за Будапешт, Турки вклали суттєвий дамаг (25% з топ 5 саме турки, - наші,можливо,не друзі, але принаймі союзники), неабияк полегшивши, а то і уможлививши нашу беззаперечну фундаментально-історичну перемогу. Вони якскраво довели лояльність ЕДЕНу на на словах а ділом. Ми ні в якому разі не склоняєм наші голови перед ними, але не констатувати іхню допомогу не маєм права.

І ще раз, Украіна щиро вдячна ЕДЕНу і союзникам, й ми надалі будем тісно співпрацювати задля спільноі мети. Тільки разом - пліч-о-пліч, скоорденовано, підтримуючи один одного, ми можем бути успішними у цій нелегкій кампаніі.

And now, please meet the Heroes of Budapest battle:

And Heroes of the Northern Hungary: