A Disturbing Development

Day 1,498, 16:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Stefan1992

The Dharma Initiative recently launched its food programme, reaching out to those who are in need the most. Our new citizens are being born into terrible conditions, which had been brought around due to the poor leadership and government that is out of touch with the citizens and the world. It only makes since for us to help out new citizens, in the same manner the South East Council helped me out almost three years ago (back when each region had its local government services). So far, the programme has been successful, and we have managed to help out many people. I am proud to be able to have the DI serve the community by reaching out to those most affected by our hostile environment.

But some people feel like it is best to live in a society where the elites control everything, and the poor and young get nothing. The Unity Party has demonstrated this belief yet again with an attack on the Dharma Cafeteria. Earlier today, several members of TUP, along with other elitist members from around the world, decided to send a message to the DI that they will not tolerate the helping of others. They spammed the application form, over and over again. Eventually, they resorted to posting 313 multiple times, a symbol of TUP. This spamfest delayed the time it took for the new and innocent citizens to get the food they needed. This also had outreaching consequences in the war, since some people would have not been able to fight because they had no food and money, and I was distracted trying to clean up this mess instead of fighting for the eUK. So who were the culprits? Here is a list of those who attacked, knowing they did not qualify, only so that they could mess around and continue harassing the poor and needy.

Pizza the Hut II
Mr Woldy
Iain Keers

It is a disgrace that TUP would do something like this. But at the same time, I am not surprised. TUP has been a party for the elites, even though they claim otherwise. Being a member of TUP for over two years, I know what the party is truly about. I would not stand for the lack of democracy TUP provided, as they became increasingly focused on making the elites even more powerful. Which is why I created the Dharma Initiative, a party that focuses that the voices of the people are heard, rather than being suppressed. The Dharma Cafeteria shall continue to help out new citizens despite the setback, but I hope that the people of the eUK come to their senses and realise that some parties will go this low in order to advance themselves and their elitist agenda.

Party President of the Dharma Initiative