3 Weeks In

Day 4,565, 09:09 Published in USA USA by VoxHumana

I was inspired by an article published last night by a fellow citizen of eUSA with whom I'm becoming fast friends, Imber23. She apparently has a thing for dirty limericks, so I dropped one of my own in the comments. You should too.

But once I did that, I got to thinking that I should chronicle my own first 3 weeks in this game with some metered verse. So I did.

What follows is a compendium of all that has occurred in my time as a citizen of the New World. I've titled each verse, but you should ignore the titles and just read the poem.

I'm also working from my phone, so I've got no way to do any graphics for this. Hopefully they won't take away my "Junior Journalist" mission prize. I need that 1 Gold!

3 Weeks In
by Krapis

Media Graphics
How often I would wonder if
The thing I see's a ".jif" or ".gif"
Much simpl'r now to save as ".tif"
And all will be at peace.

The folks from erep's Party 1
Got screwed by PP's reckless fun
He's promised now, "I'll never run!"
Will accusations cease?

eSerbia and eIran:
Asteria's offensive plan
To turn our map the color tan.
But now there's sweet release.

Some dude from erep's days gone by
Who's multi's-talent's are a lie
Still preys on newbies such as I
We witnessed his caprice.

Perhaps there was a chance to win
Alongside all our CODE and kin
But money problems did us in:
We said goodbye to Greece.

Press Briefings
The Government has such a space
To argue at each other's face
What makes it, though, a happy place?
Three nuts and their mouthpiece.

Some dude named Nath sent me a note
He saw a thing or two I'd wrote
"Would I, my writing, to devote"
A White House Press Release?

There's CRAP and GIMP and IES,
A rainy sunday, Proteus,
I-23 and Colbert, S.
I'm learning eRep-ese

Now Discord is a thing to play
The US Forum, every day
My "friends feed" where I shout my say
May all of this increase.

'zookas, boosters, homes Q3
Companies I got for free
Freedom Fighters and TP
Philosophers who fleece

That's all
I'm sure there's other things I've missed
Because I'm sleeping, else I'm pissed
But I'll press on with clench-ed fist
Until my eDecease