[WeThePeople] We just keep on Going

Day 1,634, 13:50 Published in USA USA by Hale26
Note: This was meant to come out a day or so ago, but real life circumstances prevented it. Sorry bout that.

I was, admittedly, putting this piece off until after I was officially elected Party President. When I started drafting before the primaries, this originally only being a thank-you article since my reelection was no certain thing, it was already likely to be a lengthy piece. Thanks must abound when you’ve had a month as successful as ours. But then, after the hardest campaign I’ve ever fought, I won reelection as WeThePeople Party President.

And as you can imagine, the fact that this campaign involved hours and hours of work on the part of my team and I, and the fact that it ended in a 3-vote margin, made this Thank You set to be something less of a formality and a genuine

“Holy sh**. We did that”

, type of affair.

Thanks to your support I’ve been reelected in the closest primary ever in our Party’s History. Over 53 votes were cast, 4 mass messages sent, endless shouts and numerous articles were put into this campaign from both myself and my opponent. I would be lying if I said it got to a point where I stopped caring about the result and just gazed in pure awe at this outstanding display of activity from our party- I was totally checking the totals at least 4 times a day.

This primary was amazing- Both in process and, in my humble opinion, result. You, the people, choose success and solid vision for another month. I’m humbled to be the one to provide that.

The Thank Yous:

I have to thank Oblige for giving me the tightest Party President race I could’ve imagined. He put up a hard campaign and though I clearly disagree with him on an assortment of matters, he made me work for this month. I appreciate that.

I thank my Vice Party President, The Mike. Mike made it a point of checking in on me throughout the campaign season to ensure articles were going out, MMs were being drafted, endorsements were being won and votes were being given. Without his keeping me on track, I’m afraid the message that I and my Cabinet were promoting may’ve just been lost in off-beaten posts in the metarealms.

I thank my Cabinet, for working so goddamn hard to give the party an awesome month- This whole elections sh**s aside. The Cabinet Thank Yous:

Cubby was an awesome Chief of Staff, continually putting up PPDBs and getting people to post. You’re attentive, well spoke, and a fun “radical”. Now that I think about it...I’m pretty sure you’re my favorite “minority” politician. Besides myself when I take on the role, of course. But really, rarely a day goes by that I find myself not appreciating the fact that we have this man as a WTPer.

Martin Reichert was the best Retention Director the party has ever seen- Carrying out an entire refocus of foruming activity and spurring activity to the tune of 500+ posts is no small feat. He’s came far from a WTP Congress hopeful struggling to win his place in the primaries. While he’s got a load of real life he’s embracing right now, I’d be stupid not to muse him as a future Party President.

DMJ was, as he usually is, a rock. His early endorsement was appreciated to no end- The fact I got one in his first few days of Presidenting was surprising. He was an attentive Securities Director, active in the party life and of course won the CP elections. It’s fun having a WTP CP. Even better that it’s a DMJ-WTP CP. And yes, this is where I brag that it’s on the public record, NUMEROUS TIMES, that I’m the one who recruited him to WTP.

Disco, despite dealing with numerous messager problems, was active and attentive. I’ve always appreciated having Disco’s help and, well, personality; Back in my AF days he was a great Senior Officer and CO, and in WTP he’s been a great all-round get-stuff-doner. Great Congressman too. So far an awesome Secretary of Defense. Really, there’s little not to like about Disco, even if he will occasionally find probing questions to ask about my “friend”. And yes. I like my “friend” for her personality, too. Considering she is, ofc, a “friend”.

Bobby Cannel was a great PAC leader- You asked if he could do something and...well, Bobby got it done. It’s that humble consistency that made Bobby one of the bestest assets to this great Cabinet. I love having him in the party.

Talos was probably the best not-advisor advisor I had. He often helped here and there when things fell through the gaps, as things do. And that, despite him not really being eRep active! Or really liking me! He also didn’t sell off #wtp Channel ownership...yet. I appreciate the help and the safeguarding of eAmericas #2.5 Party chan.

Seppo, despite getting sick you managed to help me get people for the media team and helped keep the post count alive. Hope alls well: I appreciate the help!

Annon was a rock- FTW had not a single problem and he handled all the recruitment work that was laid out. I’m seriously wondering if you’re gonna need a vacation soon lol. You screw up so little yet do so much. And you’re attentive! We should get you into Congress next month...could teach the delegation a thing or two about putting out their articles on time lol.

Despite rigorous academics which my teenage self has no experience with, Intolerant did a lot for Recruitment. Recruitment aside, he’s also been an ongoing friend in eRep who I’m happy to have in my camp- Him being another one of the old elite-tier AF squad. Nothing beats old elite-tier AF squad. Thanks for yer what-seems-like-endless support man.

Cholan, a long time friend of mine and great representative of WTP on the National level, was a late addition to my not-aides-aides section. He helped here and there despite that, as always keeping things running in the background. I appreciate that.

RaccoonGoon was probably the best official advisor I’ve ever had. It’s been an ongoing theme of WTP to try and get this former UIP leader to involve himself in running the party. While he’s far too busy for erep work, he found a great place as an advisor this month- A place he well deserved. His insightful and impartial views were appreciated to no end, both for their advice and for the ongoing 6-post post count challenge that was...well...challenging, at times.

And finally: Thank you WeThePeople. You gave me the opportunity and the material to make last month happen as it did. It goes without saying that our style of doing things not only works, but excels. Our focus on the mechanics of inclusive-democracy, populism as we always tended to coin it, can bring about activity that simple old-school politiks cannot. Activity is good for eAmerica. We’re good for eAmerica.

And not just by extrapolation. Like really, we’re home to the Country President, the Secretary of Defense and one of the most active Congress delegations amongst other things. We’re preeeeeetty good for eAmerica.

Before closing, there are three things I’d like to address.

#1- Forums are back up here! You might’ve lost your WTP Forum masking. Please reapply and we’ll get to you. Also, if you can't access the forums from there try here. For more details, check the article from our Forum Administrator PiginZen- http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/eusa-forums-update-july-17-2014-updated-10-23-pm-est--2416822/1/20

Give him a thank you while you're there- He works hard.

#2- Congress signups are HERE:

New Congressmen - http://goo.gl/zMq7Ve
Returning Congressmen - http://goo.gl/zMZ1K7

They close on the 22nd. Be sure to write at least a 100 word campaign article after you sign up! Primaries will be starting shortly after on the 22nd. The seeding was awfully small last month, so I'm hoping more will come this one.

#3- We lost the discussions in the new forum. I’ll be redrafting the points (both ingame and forum) and starting the vote. Sorry for the inconvenience.

In the next few days I’ll be doing a light Cabinet reshuffle and...well, dealing with all the above mentioned. The work that comes with running a Top 5 party just keeps coming- And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

The Party President