[UKRP] Darkmantle - PP Candidacy

Day 1,849, 11:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Darkmantle

As you may know, I am running for UKRP Party President, a position I once held at the beginning of 2010. I do not intend to brag about all my experience, however suffice it to say that I have experience as UKRP PP, Congressman and Cabinet Minister many times over. I will not be giving a platform full of promises, I will say what I think of the current situation and what needs to be done - you can take my word that if elected I intend to my best to see them done.

Now, onto the important stuff!

This month we need to bring the UKRP back into the top 5 - that is unmistakeably our main priority. Although 5th place is still undesirable for any part, nobody can deny that even that is a better place to be than where we are now. To that end, our main focus must be recruitment, getting new players who can bolster our party numbers. However just getting loads of 2-clickers, while raising our profile, is not what we should be doing. We should be getting as many active and helpful players as we can so as to increase the rate of recruitment.

Retention is always as important as recruitment in my eyes. Getting players who will take part both within the party and eUK as a whole should be a priority for everyone - however that doesn't mean we should ignore the 2-clickers either. We will be aiming to bring everyone possible into the party so that we can do our best to help each and every one of them.

However I recognise that although we need to recruit, we should not neglect the other aspects of the party as they are all interlinked. We need to really be releasing more articles, both recruitment and general UKRP articles, that will increase our media presence. We need to be offering help, advice and mentoring to new players so that they don't feel overwhelmed. We need to get as many congressmen as we can once we get back into the top 5, allowing us to have a bigger profile within the government. And we need to carry on the fun and games that we already have - the minecraft server, forums games and general chatting on IRC.

Although this may be a game that can be taken seriously, it is still a game, and we should all enjoy it. Hard work in making the party and eUK better should be balanced with some fun and games, allowing us to make friends, get along, and work together as a team.

We also need to focus more on policy, the discussions we've had on the forums have died down a lot and need to be rejuvenated, we need an official stance not just on general politics but keep up to date on what is going on within the government and where we stand on the issues. We need to give new members a reason to join us - because we believe in a better eUK - and show them how we intend to create this better eUK.

The policies we will make will reflect what the UKRP as a community believes in. Every single member of us gets a say , debating the pros and cons of a certain policy, giving their own input as to what it should say or not say, and as to what the UKRP as a whole should stand for.

Finally I'd like to say that the UKRP is a family, and this is important to remember. We welcome all our new players warmly and treat them as if they've been part of the UKRP for years - no member is less important than any other member. We have a great community and no matter what happens in the future, this will never change.

