[UKRP] An Interview with a member

Day 1,692, 05:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Thedark ace
In this article I'll be interviewing Kcirp, a player who has been a part of the United Kingdom Reform Party for over a year. Here we go 😃

When did you join the UKRP, and why?

Well, Dish messaged me, well over a year ago. The UKRP community helped me out, and I liked it so I stuck around.

What does the UKRP mean to you?

UKRP to me is a open and friendly community which helps all of its members to the best of their ability. We have some very generous senior members of the party who help newer members through monetary and non monetary methods. We build a community around our selves, because that's how a party should be, a friendly community

What do you do in the UKRP?

I tend to help out with all sorts of things in the party, I regularly message players both in and out of the party, helping them out with. During congress elections I help out with voting directions too. I fund some of the party schemes such as the tesco thread and the MU and I occasionally help with organisation of the party.

Why should a new player join the UKRP, and how would it benefit them?

One of the key aims of UKRP is to help new players. We believe in giving newer players chances to get involved in UK politics because a our future as a nation depends on the growth of new players, not only do we offer new players opportunites we give them supplies via tesco thread and our forum/irc reward programs.

Where do you see UKRP going in the future?

Obviously UKRP has been in a bit of a slump recently, however I am happy to report in recent weeks and months we have seen signs of an improvement, in both in-game numbers and our IRC activity. Obviously it won't be easy but I really do believe that UKRP is coming back, I believe that by this time next year we will once again be at the forefront of UK politics regularly electing presidents and having a reasonable amount of congressmen through hard work, perseverance and the desire for a better eUK.

As you run the UKRP Military Unit (UKRP Hydra) I'll ask you a question about it: Can you tell us the benefits of joining the UKRP Hydra?

At the moment we run the MU on a non commune based system, this means that MU members have no obligation to work for me however I offer certain rewards for highest kills in a day and 25kills per day everyday for 7 days or a similar achievement. However in the future we are looking to change this to offer daily supplies through a commune system allowing our members to fight more, this will allow our members to grow quicker and become a larger influence on the battlefield, so the eUK can help itself and our allies around the world.

That concludes my interview, and thanks to Kcirp for taking the time to be interviewed!

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and I hope you consider joining the UKRP! Please don't forget to vote this article!

Thedark ace