[UKGOV] Food & Fighting!

Day 1,469, 01:45 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

Importance of experience, rank and strength

The more experience your citizen gains, the more features that you will unlock. Only citizens of certain levels can do certain things, for example you have to be level 12 to purchase buildings and land. Here is a list of levels that unlock features, as you can see, once you've reached level 18 you have unlocked all of the features available to you.

Another reason why higher experience is useful, is that in elections, such as for congress, tied votes are resolved by the candidate with higher experience coming out on top. This can be a saviour in congress elections if you run anywhere outside of London, since the population is less dense, ties are a lot more common.
The best ways to gain experience are by working and fighting, voting and some missions also give you some experience, however working and fighting will be your main sources of experience.

As you build up rank points from fighting, you can increase your rank from Recruit all the way to God of War***. Each rank you gain, increases your influence by an additional 5%, which becomes more and more of a big deal as you gain more and more strength. Its best to continually work on increasing your rank, by fighting every day to increase your rank points. Bazookas are a particularly good source of rank points, due to the huge amount of influence/damage they cause when used, if you're aiming for the fastest growth, you should use your bazookas as you get them.

The more strength you have, the higher your base damage is when you fight. Its important to increase your strength, since its the major factor in how much influence you can put into a battle. You should train every day in order to build up your strength, it will also get you Super Soldier medals faster. Once you start making more money, you can invest it into gaining more strength, by using more training buildings. The most efficient training building, in terms of strength gain per gold, is the Climbing Center (0.19g booster), so you should start using it as soon as you can if you want to have higher strength. The least efficient training building is the Shooting Range (1.49g booster), so before you start using that one every day, get on the more efficient Special Forces Center (1.79g booster) first.

The best way to fight
When you are fighting, you don't require a weapon, only food. To make the most influence and gain the most rank and experience points for the cheapest price, you should do many fights unarmed and only buy food for them. Once you manage to hit the maximum amount of fights (10 per hour (240 in a day), since you are allowed regain 100 health each hour by eating food), you should then start to buy weapons so you can further bolster your rank point gains and influence. The most efficient weapons to buy at this point, are Q5 weapons, each one doubles your influence 5 times and so gives you the most additional influence for your money. It is not worth buying Q1-Q4 weapons, thanks to how wonderful Q5 weapons are.

How about some free food now?

Now that you've learned a lot about experience and rank, have some free food to build yours up! MoHA have a nice stock of uneaten food that is at risk of going stale in the warehouse, so we're going to dish it out to all the younger players, so they can get more experience and rank points earned - isn't that nice! 😃

Any eUK citizens up to level 25, comment in this article asking for some food, and we'll send you 300 health's worth! (30 Q5 food)

Love from Invalidation

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