бр. 21 Шта нам доноси eRepublik v2 ?

Day 733, 13:26 Published in Serbia Serbia by Srbin.bre

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Читајући чланке данас, наишао сам на један веома занимљив. Наиме, у њему се описује шта нам доноси нова верзија eRepublik v2, као и кратак преглед свих прошлих. Решио сам да га поделим и са становницима Србије пошто нико данас није писао о томе. Ево и тог чланка:

The open version of eRepublik started over 2 years ago, with the Beta version.

Back then, Plato was young, there were no Raw Materials in the economy, workers in companies didn’t have changing efficiencies depending on how many they were, regions had mayors, there was no war module, and when it was introduced it was Player vs Player and you had to move to a battle area to fight, when you worked or trained you had to do a trivia, food and houses produced the same amount of wellness regardless of how much you had, and lots and lots of other things that I don’t remember or didn’t see (I didn’t join THAT early) were different.

And then, V1 came, the first “market” version of the game.

You could put less stuff in your articles, couldn’t put pics in your comments, all sorts of things started costing gold, Raw Materials were introduced to the economy. There was a huge change in the game from one day to another, especially when it comes to the complexity of the economy.
Slowly, the war module was re-thought by adding the wall instead of a PvP mechanism, there was no more trivia, citizenship was added to the game- to mention a few of the changes.

And now, it is time to get a glimpse of what is coming in Version 2

Added variety in war equipment you can use
More and more specialized materials to produce a final product
Need for specialized workers to produce a final product
New qualities added to the players beyond wellness, skill and strength

Ability to specialize in various new jobs
Addition of specializations and divisions when it comes to the army

Оригинални чланак: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/version-2-2-1046701/1/20

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