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The only book left in that burned library. Here the stories shall be told. The newspaper logo is the fleur-de-lis, a lily used historically as heraldery in the french culture.

What do you know about Mr Andrews!

28 Ден 1,648, 17:10 Публикувана в USA USA Социални взаимодействия и развлечения Социални взаимодействия и развлечения

Hello there world! Today I come to you with the First Ever interview of the famous banker! The one and only eRepublik Tycoon, the youngest millionaire in the game that hasn't bought gold! Who is this insane man and what's he do? [url=http://

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Young Skywalker, Allow me to guide you.

30 Ден 1,615, 12:49 Публикувана в Canada Canada Политически дебати и анализи Политически дебати и анализи

Canada, as you know, it's that time of the month again. Again, I will be asking for your vote, this time in British Columbia! I've decided to run here in the name of TemujinBC the Crimson прочети повече »

Operation: Beaver Break Out

7 Ден 1,594, 05:53 Публикувана в Canada Canada Военен анализ Военен анализ

Canada, today I speak to you not as a politician, I speak to you not as a captain, I speak to you not as a superior nor minor, but as an equal! An equal with dreams, hopes, and a future that will be attained!


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[BUN] The truth about Sasha

18 Ден 1,591, 16:43 Публикувана в Canada Canada Социални взаимодействия и развлечения Социални взаимодействия и развлечения

Many people don't know Sasha, many remain unaware. To Canada, she's just another PP of MDP. What most don't know, is that this beautiful wallflower is also a dedicated, patriotic, and eager Canadian.
She rules her party with an iron first, and has

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A congressional checklist!

10 Ден 1,580, 19:41 Публикувана в Canada Canada Политически дебати и анализи Политически дебати и анализи

Hello! For those who don't know me, I'm Code-Y! I'm a patriot to Canada and hard working man. I'm also a congressman, an 8 (soon to be 9) time congressman! Over all my terms in Congress, I've picked up a few tips on what, and what NOT to do in

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