Poetry for all!

Day 1,537, 07:40 Published in Russia Bulgaria by Tar Palantir

A men go to see a doctor and says:
- I have a big problem: nobody give a s... for me, nobody watch for my human right and every alian from... and dont know where is trying to f... from behind what should I do doctor?
The good doctor look him for a brief moment and says:
- Give me your passport man.
Man do it.
- Sorry nobody could or will help you - say the doctor - its just your baad luck to be white ortodox christian.

Dears sheeps and outer citizens,

This game ain't worth a s... and you know it!

It is time to change the topic once and for all!

Lets us talk about literature, lets talk about great poets shal we?

I like poetry and im Tolkin fan so i give you all:

Bilbo’s Song

I sit beside the fire and think
of all that I have seen,
of meadow-flowers and butterflies
in summers that have been;

Of yellow leaves and gossamer
in autumns that there were,
with morning mist and silver sun
and wind upon my hair.

I sit beside the fire and think
of how the world will be
when winter comes without a spring
that I shall ever see.

For still there are so many things
that I have never seen:
in every wood in every spring
there is a different green.

I sit beside the fire and think
of people long ago,
and people who will see a world
that I shall never know.

But all the while I sit and think
of times there were before,
I listen for returning feet
and voices at the door.

This only the begining this week is Tolkin, the week after... come back and see... i will not spoil the suprise.

Tar out