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Chutley. Articles. Charticles.

Inane Interview with Pizza the Hut

23 Дзень 1,238, 12:09 Надрукавана ў дзяржаве USA USA


This article marks the second in a series of inane interviews with influential e-Reppers. This time, Pizza the Hut briefly puts up with Positive Thinking's absurd approach to pseudo-journalism.

Hope … падрабязней »

Inane Interview with George Pumpkinette

56 Дзень 1,234, 12:54 Надрукавана ў дзяржаве USA USA


Today I bring you the first in a potentially long, or more likely extremely short, series of inane interviews with influential eReppers. This is a different type of conversation, one that says more about … падрабязней »

Vote Chutley for POTUS

3 Дзень 1,232, 12:44 Надрукавана ў дзяржаве USA USA

Wait, I'm not eligible or remotely qualified for the position? I guess I'll just go back to producing grain and writing stupid shit.

[img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_82jYjcjk6wM/TBeHtcVBSMI/AAAAAAAADds/8fLKZI6u8u4/s1600/[/img] … падрабязней »

We Need A New Word

7 Дзень 1,231, 16:21 Надрукавана ў дзяржаве USA USA

We Need A New Word

We’ve upgraded practically all of our childhood terms. Butt became ass, pee became piss, poop became shit. There’s only one thing that hasn’t change😛

[img]http://johngordon.files.wordpress.com/[/img] … падрабязней »

Googled (Dumb Thoughts, Day 1,229)

4 Дзень 1,229, 13:08 Надрукавана ў дзяржаве USA USA

Three Thoughts

1. It is absolutely, positively second nature to smell your fingers after you scratch your a$$. You do it, I do it, Queen Elizabeth does it. Steven Hawking would if he could. Why wouldn't you? The results are … падрабязней »