الخلفية تعمل/لا تعمل

AAF Weeks 126-129 and December Competition Report

10 يوم 5,885, 04:39 Published in Armenia Armenia التحليلات العسكرية التحليلات العسكرية

"First we only want to be seen, but once we’re seen, that’s not enough anymore. After that, we want to be remembered."
- Emily St. John … قراءة المزيد »

Armenia Ground Rank Program Weeks 65-68

6 يوم 5,869, 05:51 Published in Armenia Armenia التحليلات العسكرية التحليلات العسكرية

Great man are not born great, they grow great. - Mario Puzo

قراءة المزيد »

AAF Weeks 122-125 and November Competition Report

7 يوم 5,854, 16:16 Published in Armenia Armenia التحليلات العسكرية التحليلات العسكرية

"...The one thing I never counted on was having luck on my side. It was generally simpler that way."
- Alistair Reynolds, Chasm City[/قراءة المزيد »

Armenia Ground Rank Program Weeks 61-64

13 يوم 5,843, 04:35 Published in Armenia Armenia التحليلات العسكرية التحليلات العسكرية

Great man are not born great, they grow great. - Mario Puzo

قراءة المزيد »

AAF Weeks 118-121 and October Competition Report

3 يوم 5,827, 18:52 Published in Armenia Armenia التحليلات العسكرية التحليلات العسكرية

“‘If I should die,’ Dalinar said, ‘then I would do so having lived my life right. It is not the destination that matters, but how one arrives قراءة المزيد »