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A Lunch-packed view of the World

Article 3 - Getting a bit repetative

2 Дан 4,907, 05:06 Објављено у United Kingdom United Kingdom Ратне анализе Ратне анализе

Bit like buses, you wait days for an article and then 3 come come along in rapid succession

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Article 2 - An hour gone so another article

1 Дан 4,907, 03:57 Објављено у United Kingdom United Kingdom Ратне анализе Ратне анализе

You know what to do guys, we all benefit from as many articles as possible appearing

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Article 1 - £5 endorsements welcome

6 Дан 4,907, 02:55 Објављено у United Kingdom United Kingdom Ратне анализе Ратне анализе

Cheap way to gain £5 but I'm not proud

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Inconsistent Treatment of Territories

2 Дан 4,900, 04:00 Објављено у Australia Australia Ратне анализе Ратне анализе

Canada has three territories, Northwest Territories, Nunavut and Yukon and each is a region in Erepublik.

Australia, too, has three territories, Australian Capital Territory, Jervis Bay Territory and Northern Territory. Only

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Can anyone explain Determination / Occupation period

5 Дан 4,360, 06:44 Објављено у United Kingdom United Kingdom Ратне анализе Ратне анализе

I've been looking at the occupation of UK regions and the resulting determinations and it appears to not make sense.

According to the Wiki:

When a region is kept under foreign occupation, the people’s determination to overthrow the oppressors

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