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О мојим новинама

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Tis ours, the dignity they give to grace
The first in valour, as the first in place;
That when with wondering eyes our martial bands
Behold our deeds transcending our commands,
Such, they may cry, deserve the sovereign state,
Whom those that envy dare not imitate!

Oblige for We the People Party President

33 Дан 2,421, 14:26 Објављено у USA USA Политичке дебате и анализе Политичке дебате и анализе

Good day We the People!

We're coming up on Party President election time, and this term I'm hoping you'll consider voting for me to be the next leader of Види све »

[WTP] We the People for Congress

19 Дан 2,407, 07:47 Објављено у USA USA Политичке дебате и анализе Политичке дебате и анализе

Dear America:

I'm running for Congress for lucky Term Number 22, and in homage to the great style of Emerick I will be tweaking my usual copy-pasta … Види све »

[WTP] Oblige for Congress

11 Дан 2,374, 13:53 Објављено у USA USA Политичке дебате и анализе Политичке дебате и анализе

Dear America:

I'm running for Congress for lucky Term Number 21, and in homage to the great style of Emerick I will be tweaking my usual copy-pasta congressional article with some updated copy pasta.

First: behold! I have my own … Види све »

[LAP] Mandatory Congressional Article

7 Дан 2,341, 12:46 Објављено у USA USA Политичке дебате и анализе Политичке дебате и анализе

Dear America:

I'm running for Congress for lucky Term Number 21, and in homage to the great style of Emerick I will continue using the same article as I have always.

First: behold! I have my own collectible trading card!
[ … Види све »

Unhappy with the USAF Merger? Here are some options.

109 Дан 2,337, 14:44 Објављено у USA USA Ратне анализе Ратне анализе

Dear America,

It's been a few days now since the USAF merger started and many of my friends have contacted me to express their frustration and regret

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