Hypocrisy 2

Day 2,947, 13:47 Published in USA USA by ResouIa

I'm gonna start losing friends everywhere if I keep making these XD But hey. I respect those who call spades spades. Thus, lets get on with it.

I am split between titling this "Hypocrisy 2" and "Hypocrisy: Paul Edition". I can always rename it, so let me know what name you like better.

And by that mention then I think we all know who this hypocrisy article is going to be about. I've been calling him a hypocrite for at least a week now but I've seen him and his double standards flaunt themselves more than I ever saw Artela, and thats in a matter of a week! So he clearly deserves his own hypocrisy article. Lets talk about him folks. Lets talk about Paul Proteus.

This first portion is going to revolve heavily on the topic my recent "eUSA is a Joke" article focused on. The blacklisting of 24 members of the nation has caused quite the dramatic explosion in eUSA. And everywhere I look, Paul is trying to drag out the issue with the most illogical and double standard arguments I have ever seen. He references the law a lot, more than I would ever try to screenshot. But for now let's look at what law he has been repeatidly referring to those 24 members of congress as breaking shall we?

Opposing Congress in Battle Law

Now for some examples of him referencing this law. While I will not show you all of them, I'll show you an example here.


For more examples of this, read The Blacklist Thread or add him. Its been on his friends feed more times than I can count.

Well anyway, he has proudly announced to the world a thousand times that every one of those names on the aforementioned Blacklist Thread. Thats why he voted them all to be blacklisted right?


As you can see, he clearly encourages all congressmen to vote to blacklist everyone that broke the law. Then as I have stated, he did not actually follow that advice himself. He voted yes to also blacklist some folks that broke NO law. Since the most popular example of this is Jude Connors, lets focus on him and take a look at this law again shall we?


As we can see, fighting in the civil war has earned many persons the right to be "Subject to blacklist proceedings". Now is this a good time to mention that no one ever brought to light any evidence that Jude Connors fought for the Civil War? That's right there is NO EVIDENCE THAT JUDE CONNORS BROKE THIS LAW. And yet Paul voted him to be blacklisted just like those that did break this law and encouraged others to do the same. That's very hypocritical to state one thing and do another is it not? Oh wait...that's the DEFINITION of hypocrisy. Nice going, Paul.


Huh, look at that. He didn't say the word "law" this time. He simply said "treason". We very conveniently have a definition of treason up there. So, did Jude Connors commit treason? What did Jude Connors actually do? Jude Connors donated 5,000 CC to the Bear Cavalry Military Unit. How do we know? Well, lets look at a quote from his very keyboard!


As we can see he donated 5000 CC to Bear Cavalry. Did that break a law? Read the law above, it did not. Does that qualify as treason? Well lets read that definition above once more and then ask ourselves a question. If I donate Bear Cavalry 5000 CC right now, and then in the future they use that money to start a civil war, OR they simply start a CW with their own coffers of which my 5k became a part of. Does that mean I committed treason? Did I attempt to overthrow the government if I would have done that? Did Jude?

Illogical arguments. Hypocrisy by the definition. Condoning the blacklist of someone that broke no laws, but donated money to a military unit. This doesn't paint a pretty picture (But The Dark Knight does 😉 Hail TDK o7). So lets throw double standards on top of it shall we?

Today as you may know, Tenshibo has attempted to PTO SFP today. I remember a few months back when some fellow ran for PP in USWP without following procedure. They labeled it a "PTO" in which they "defeated". That loyal USWP member was henceforth unwelcome and so he moved to WTP. He quit eRep now, but I'm sure we all remember him. OfficerFriendly.

In this instance, a USWP member has left his party and moved to SFP in order to run for PP. Is that a PTO? Well if the aforementioned example is, this certainly is. And if the former wasn't, then this still could be. Lets take a look at a discussion that stemmed from this.

There he goes about laws again. They are apparently very important to him, even though he helped blacklist a man we have clearly displayed has broken no laws. Yet here we are where not one, but two eUS citizens are doing something that is typically considered extremely despicable, and if was with success? They'd consider it a matter of national security and we'd all unite to stop them. And he says that they shouldn't be blacklisted.

You'll punish an innocent in all cases. But those who are only innocent since they have failed, you don't punish? That's a bit more than hypocritical. Now I admit I have seen Paul be reasonable on certain occasions but revolving around these topics, nothing I have said has been able to release that reasonable person.

All he has done is contradict himself and set double standards. Theoretically this could be viewed as some last-ditch attempt to show him how much of a hypocrite he has been in an attempt to bring a stop to it, but I don't see that happening.

Lets take a look at a fancy shmancy article J.A. Lake has written for us today.

Law & Order

It displays a noble idea. One that would require dedication and activity to bring about. But the success of the idea is not what we are going to discuss, rather it is as the rest of this article is, about our buddy Paul.

Firstly, this is going backwards a touch but I chose to put this here since it was commented ON J.A. Lake's article I felt it appropriate to put it here.


Paul, give it up. We've already displayed that you not only didn't follow the constitution and its laws but encouraged others to punish those that did not break a single law in that constitution as well. Stop trying to act like white knight when your armor is stained by black.


As we can see above. Paul interpreted a system of checks and balances, the real USA's government type, to be "entirely pettiness about not getting your way and not principle". Well I think the founding fathers have something to say about that.

He also accused BSP members of supported it, when only one member- I supported it. That's not even hypocrisy or helping develop the topic, but just a general lack of fact-checking that bothers me. When your facts aren't checked, they're just opinions to be disregarded.

And then he calls me a hypocrite, I ask him why, and he replies with this.


This was his response to me. And this was around when I started writing this article. Lets look at my response to him.


So he has called me a hypocrite, and clearly does not understand what a hypocrite is. Or maybe he does. Maybe he's just so eager to paint me the hypocrite after me calling him one so much that he decided to just create those things that I supposedly said. Maybe he focuses too much on group mentalities and simply blames me for the things the people around me have said, and considers my non-perfect alignment with those around me to be hypocritical, either way its illogical.

Paul, I have clearly demonstrated how hypocritical you have been of late. The double standards you set. How you've stated one thing and done another. What you do with that is up to you. I assume you'll do nothing productive with it however. You'll just continue the hypocrisy and double standards as presented in this article. Go ahead, prove me wrong. It'd earn you a lot of respect from me if you did.

Check out my first Hypocrisy article here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/2563468/1/20

Down with hypocrisy!